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Policy Report: April 6, 2022

April 7, 2022

Forest Service Policy Report

Welcome to the Forest Service Policy Report! Our goal is to provide weekly updates on agency policy actions, including directives and regulations.


FSM 7700 Chapter 30 - Transportation System Operation and Maintenance (3/30/2022)

  • Adds language addressing use of the long-term or perpetual NRCS road use permit form solely for granting a right of access to NRCS conservation easements. Revises the definition for “road use permit” to include road use permits issued to NRCS for access to its conservation easements. Revises the direction to address road use permits issued to NRCS for access to its conservation easements.

FSM 7700 Chapter Zero Code - Travel Management (3/31/2022)

  • Revises chapter in its entirety. Adds an objective to consider emerging technologies (such as e-electric bicycles) that are changing the way people access and recreate on National Forest System (NFS) lands. Adds new definitions for “bicycle,” “electric bicycle (e-bike),” “Class 1 e-bike,” “Class 2 e-bike,” and “Class 3 e-bike” to facilitate designation of these three classes of e-bikes on NFS roads, on NFS trails and in areas on NFS lands.

FSM 7700 Chapter 10 - Travel Planning (3/31/2022)

  • Establishes new criteria for designating Class 1, 2 and 3 electric bicycles (e-bikes) to facilitate designation of those three classes of e-bikes on National Forest System (NFS) roads, on NFS trails and in areas on NFS lands. Adds an additional category (Trails Open to E-Bikes Only) to identify classes of motor vehicles on a motor vehicle use map. Adds an objective to consider emerging technologies (such as e-bikes) that are changing the way people access and recreate on NFS lands. Adds specific criteria for designation of motor vehicle use on NFS trails and specific criteria and guidance for designation of e-bike use on NFS trails. Adds direction to coordinate travel management decisions and operational practices with other jurisdictions and tribal governments to provide continuity of recreational experiences.

FSM 2300 Chapter 50 - Trail, River, and Similar Recreation Opportunities (3/31/2022)

  • Adds new definitions for “bicycle,” “electric bicycle (e-bike),” “Class 1 e-bike,” “Class 2 e-bike” and “Class 3 e-bike.

FSH 2309.18 Chapter Zero Code - Trails Management Handbook (3/31/2022)

  • Adds new definitions for “bicycle,” “electric bicycle (e-bike),” “Class 1 e-bike,” “Class 2 e-bike” and “Class 3 e-bike.


No new directives were published for public comment from the period of 03/28/2021 to 04/03/2022.


No new regulatory actions were published from the period of 03/28/2021 to 04/03/2022.


There are no new announcements regarding upcoming events, but please continue to check this report weekly as new updates may be included in the future.

If you have questions or recommendations for Policy Report content that would be valuable to you and your colleagues, please contact Miranda Galadima (