Great American Outdoors Act – Legacy Restoration Fund, Fiscal Year 2024 Deferred Maintenance Projects
All Regions, National Forests, & Research Stations
Region | Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
R&D 12, INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL FORESTRY | INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL FORESTRY | SABANA FIELD STATION HOUSING RENOVATION | This project restores staff living quarters at the Sabana Field Station in Puerto Rico. This project will make the quarters more resilient to natural disasters. | PR - LUQUILLO, PR - PUERTO RICO | 98TH PUERTO RICO |
R&D 22, ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION | ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION | CORAM EXPERIMENTAL FOREST QUARTERS RENOVATION | This project renovates two existing houses in Hungry Horse, Montana at the Coram Experimental Forest. The renovation will make the housing accessible and more desirable for use by field-going personnel throughout the year, which will help with recruiting. | MT - FLATHEAD | 1ST MONTANA |
R&D 24, NORTHERN RESEARCH STATION | NORTHERN RESEARCH STATION | KANE EXPERIMENTAL FOREST HOUSING WASTEWATER SYSTEM REPLACEMENT | This project replaces the septic system that serves employee housing at the Kane Experimental Forest. This project will ensure that the housing remains habitable for researchers at the site. | PA - ELK | 15TH PENNSYLVANIA, 5TH PENNSYLVANIA |
R&D 33, SOUTHERN RESEARCH STATION | SOUTHERN RESEARCH STATION | COWEETA EXPERIMENTAL FOREST HOUSING RENOVATION | This project renovates the two housing units at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory to improve living conditions for researchers at the site. These improvements are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | NC - MACON | 11TH NORTH CAROLINA |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
AERIAL FIRE DEPOT | MISSOULA SMOKEJUMPER VISITOR CENTER RENOVATION | This project fully renovates both floors and increase usable space at the Missoula Smokejumper Visitor Center, which hosts up to 45,000 visitors annually over a four-month span. Project work will improve signage, information, and interpretative displays, modernize bathrooms, improve lighting, restore facility, HVAC service, and conduct asbestos abatement - all while improving compliance with accessibility standards. | MT - MINERAL, MT - MISSOULA | 1ST MONTANA |
BEAVERHEAD-DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST | DELMOE LAKE ROAD RESURFACING, CAMPGROUND, AND DAY USE UPDATES | This project adds gravel over the entirety of the road. The project improves ease of maintenance, reduces erosion, and provides a safer route for the high volumes of traveling public. This project brings the campground and associated boat launch and day use site up to current design and accessibility standards. A full redesign incorporates off-highway vehicle use and link the campground to the motorized trail system. | MT - JEFFERSON | 1ST MONTANA, 2ND MONTANA |
BEAVERHEAD-DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE TOILET REPLACEMENT: INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE TOILETS ACROSS DISTRICTS - SOUTHWEST MONTANA | The Forest-wide Toilet Replacement project involves replacing non-standard toilets at recreation sites and rental cabins across the Forest. The project also focuses on reducing deferred maintenance tasks and correcting deficiencies in accessibility, sanitation, and the protection of resources. These updates will greatly improve recreation access and provide a better overall experience for Forest visitors. | MT - BEAVERHEAD, MT - DEER LODGE, MT - GRANITE, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - MADISON, MT - POWELL | 1ST MONTANA |
BEAVERHEAD-DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST | MOTORIZED AND NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project relocates segments of trails across the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest to meet National Quality Standards and reduce deferred maintenance. Work will correct poorly designed switchbacks, steeply graded trails, etc. A high-quality system of trails creates opportunities to safely access the forest by non-motorized and motorized means, supporting hunters, outfitters and guides, and general recreation users and contributing to the local recreation and tourism economies. | MT - BEAVERHEAD, MT - DEER LODGE, MT - GRANITE, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - MADISON, MT - SILVER BOW | 1ST MONTANA |
BEAVERHEAD-DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST | SOUTHWEST MONTANA RECREATION AND ROAD SIGNS DEFERRED MAINTENANCE REDUCTION | This project installs and replaces directional and destination road signs, recreation site signs, information kiosks and bulletin boards, trailhead signs, trail signs and markers, and Bear Aware signs across National Forest lands. The project enhances visitor experience by improving signage to recreation sites, facilities, and locations. | MT - BEAVERHEAD, MT - DEER LODGE, MT - GRANITE, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - MADISON, MT - POWELL, MT - SILVER BOW | 1ST MONTANA |
CUSTER GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST | ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH ZONE DEFERRED TRAIL MAINTENANCE | This multi-year project addresses deferred trail maintenance. The work includes all aspects of trail maintenance tasks such as brushing, limbing, water bar restoration and installation, check-fill restoration and installation, rock removal and general tread improvements. The Montana Conservation Corps is a partner in delivering this project. | MT - CARBON, MT - PARK, MT - STILLWATER, MT - SWEET GRASS | 1ST MONTANA |
CUSTER GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST | BIG CREEK, WINDOW ROCK, AND BASIN STATION RENTAL CABIN REPAIRS: PARADISE VALLEY, HYALITE CANYON, AND WEST YELLOWSTONE | This multi-year project restores priority historic rental cabins with focus on the structure envelope, foundation, accessibility and other work as needed. Specific cabins addressed by the project includes Big Creek Cabin on the Yellowstone Ranger District, Window Rock Cabin on the Bozeman Ranger District and Basin Station on the Hebgen Ranger District. Work involves roof replacements, chimney repairs, toilet replacements, masonry repairs, chinking, painting and staining. | MT - CARBON, MT - GALLATIN, MT - MADISON, MT - MEAGHER, MT - PARK, MT - POWDER RIVER, MT - STILLWATER, MT - SWEET GRASS | 1ST MONTANA |
CUSTER GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST | GALLATIN RIVER BRIDGES REHABILITATION | This multi-year project replaces the iconic Markley Bridge over the Gallatin River with components and likeness to the existing structure. The work includes bridge replacement, approach upgrades to Highway 191 and access to the picnic area, private inholding, and trailhead. | MT - GALLATIN | 1ST MONTANA |
CUSTER GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST | PAVEMENT PRESERVATION AND REPLACEMENT: WEST YELLOWSTONE, GALLATIN RIVER, BEARTOOTH MOUNTAINS, AND ASHLAND | This project entails maintaining and replacing pavement on roads, campgrounds, and public facing facilities on the Custer Gallatin National Forest to address deferred maintenance and to improve visitor experience. The road system supports public access to the Forest and provides access for agricultural, water, mineral, utility and timber commerce as well as supporting numerous economic sectors including construction, recreation, resource use and recovery on Forest. | MT - CARBON, MT - GALLATIN, MT - MADISON, MT - PARK, MT - ROSEBUD, SD - HARDING | 1ST SOUTH DAKOTA, 1ST MONTANA, 2ND MONTANA |
CUSTER GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST | RECREATION SITE TOILET DEFERRED MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT | This multi-year project addresses deferred maintenance on toilets across the Forest. The work includes replacing deteriorating toilets, retrofitting existing toilets for function and accessibility, and installing toilets in locations with human waste issues. New installations utilize larger vaults to reduce frequency of pumping where applicable. | MT - CARBON, MT - CARTER, MT - GALLATIN, MT - GALLATIN, STILLWATER, MT - MADISON, MT - PARK, MT - POWDER RIVER, MT - ROSEBUD, MT - STILLWATER, MT - SWEET GRASS, SD - HARDING, WY - PARK | 1ST SOUTH DAKOTA, 1ST MONTANA |
DAKOTA PRAIRIE GRASSLANDS | NATIONAL NORTH COUNTRY SCENIC TRAIL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project resurfaces the trail with specified aggregate, and include the reduction of erosion protects drainage areas, harden trail surface aligns with user expectations, and increase visitation and use contributes to local economy. | ND - RANSOM, ND - RICHLAND | 1ST NORTH DAKOTA |
FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST | FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST TRAIL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE REDUCTION PROJECT | This is a multi-year project to reduce trail deferred maintenance on the Tally Lake and Swan Lake Ranger Districts on the Flathead National Forest, some of which are located in the Mission Mountain Wilderness. These trails provide recreation opportunities for motorbikes, mountain bikers, stock users and hikers. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - LAKE, MT - LINCOLN, MT - MISSOULA | 1ST MONTANA |
FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE EMPLOYEE HOUSING DEFERRED MAINTENANACE | This project remodels and improves housing units at the Hungry Horse Compound, Swan Lake District Compound, and Condon Work Center. These quarters require critical repair as there is a shortage of affordable housing for seasonal employees to do necessary vegetation, fire, and recreation management. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - MISSOULA | 1ST MONTANA |
FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This multi-year project addresses deferred maintenance items of water and wastewater systems in recreation sites across the Forest. Work items range from maintenance and standardization of recreation site toilets to design and replacement of campground water systems that will improve security of water and wastewater systems on the Forest, preventing failures and system closures. The project also includes upgrades to meet Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility standards. | MT - , MT - FLATHEAD, MT - LAKE, MT - MISSOULA | 1ST MONTANA |
FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST | RECREATION SITE ROAD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | The roads that access developed recreation sites and trailheads do not receive regular maintenance because mobilization costs are high relative to their length. This project replaces gravel and improves drainage on access roads, in developed recreation sites, and at trailheads across the forest. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - LAKE, MT - MISSOULA | 1ST MONTANA |
FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST | RENTAL CABIN DEFERRED MAINTENANCE REDUCTION | This multi-year project focuses on reducing deferred maintenance on recreation rental cabins across the Forest. The National Forest cabin rental program provides a unique recreation experience that is very popular with cabins exceeding 75% occupancy. The cabins have varying needs from roof replacements to electrical repairs to appliance updates. Accessibility will be improved to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - LAKE, MT - MISSOULA | 1ST MONTANA |
FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST | SOUTH FORK OF THE FLATHEAD WATERSHED IMPROVEMENT | This multi-year project replaces a 55-year-old bridge and upgrades fish barrier culverts to restore trout movement through the stream network. Forest Road 38 is an arterial route on the east side of Hungry Horse Reservoir. It crosses numerous streams occupied by native west slope cutthroat trout. | MT - FLATHEAD | 1ST MONTANA |
FLATHEAD NATIONAL FOREST | SWAN LAKE GUARD STATION BUNKHOUSE | This project remodels and renovates a building at the Swan Lake Guard Station by returning it to its previous use as a housing unit and bunkhouse for seasonal employees. | MT - LAKE | 1ST MONTANA |
HELENA-LEWIS AND CLARK NATIONAL FOREST | BOB MARSHALL WILDERNESS COMPLEX AND ADJACENT LANDS PRIORITY AREA TRAIL MAINTENANCE | This multi-year project focuses on reducing trail deferred maintenance within the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex and the Adjacent Lands Priority Area. This is one of the National Trail Priority Areas established under the National Forest System Trail Stewardship Act of 2016. The project is a coordinated effort between the Flathead, Lolo, and Helena Lewis and Clark National Forests and their partners. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - GLACIER, MT - LEWIS AND CLARK, MT - LINCOLN, MT - MISSOULA, MT - PONDERA, MT - POWELL, MT - TETON | 1ST MONTANA |
HELENA-LEWIS AND CLARK NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE CABIN DEFERRED MAINTENANCE REDUCTION | This four-year project works toward reducing deferred maintenance tasks at recreation cabins across the forest. Several cabins have gone into disrepair and are no longer habitable or able to be a part of the cabin rental program. Deferred maintenance tasks include replacing roofs, windows, and oil logs, repainting, reflooring, updating signs, as well as replacing several other cabin infrastructure items. | MT - BROADWATER, MT - CASCADE, MT - CHOUTEAU, MT - FERGUS, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - JUDITH BASIN, MT - LEWIS AND CLARK, MT - MEAGHER, MT - POWELL, MT - TETON | 1ST MONTANA |
HELENA-LEWIS AND CLARK NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE CAMPGROUND AND TRAILHEAD IMPROVEMENTS | This project aims to reduce deferred maintenance across the forest to provide improved recreational opportunities to the public. The project involves several sites and includes road improvements as well as resurfacing of trailheads, campgrounds, spurs, and parking areas. Other planned upgrades include increasing camping area sizes, updating kiosks, signage, new gravel, hazard tree removal, vegetation treatments, and replanting trees. | MT - BROADWATER, MT - CASCADE, MT - FERGUS, MT - GLACIER, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - JEFFERSON, POWELL, MT - JUDITH BASIN, MT - LEWIS AND CLARK, MT - MEAGHER, MT - POWELL, MT - TETON | 1ST MONTANA, 2ND MONTANA |
HELENA-LEWIS AND CLARK NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE ROAD, TRAIL AND ACCESS SIGN REPLACEMENT PROJECT | This four-year project involves the replacement of existing road, trail, and forest access signs. Several signs across the forest are no longer legible and need to be completely replaced while others just need updating. The forest has identified signs that require immediate replacement to be tackled during the early phases of the project. | MT - BROADWATER, MT - CASCADE, MT - FERGUS, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - JUDITH BASIN, MT - LEWIS AND CLARK, MT - MEAGHER, MT - POWELL, MT - TETON | 1ST MONTANA, 2ND MONTANA |
HELENA-LEWIS AND CLARK NATIONAL FOREST | ROAD RECONDITIONING AND AGGREGATE SURFACE IN-PLACE PROCESSING IN CENTRAL MONTANA | This is a four-year project that endeavors to complete between deferred maintenance across several Forest Service roads. The identified roads provide access to multiple recreation sites, administrative sites, and active management areas. The road maintenance includes grinding, ripping, shaping, blading, and compacting road surfaces. Roadway drainage features will also be repaired, where necessary. | MT - BROADWATER, MT - CASCADE, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - LEWIS AND CLARK, MT - MEAGHER, MT - POWELL | 1ST MONTANA, 2ND MONTANA |
HELENA-LEWIS AND CLARK NATIONAL FOREST | TRAIL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE REDUCTION | This four-year project addresses maintenance tasks that have not met their prescribed frequency on multiple system trails. With this project, trails are brushed and cleared, drainage structures maintained or replaced, and the trail tread repaired, where necessary. | MT - BROADWATER, MT - CASCADE, MT - FERGUS, MT - GLACIER, MT - GOLDEN VALLEY, MT - JEFFERSON, MT - JUDITH BASIN, MT - LEWIS AND CLARK, MT - MEAGHER, MT - PONDERA, MT - POWELL | 1ST MONTANA |
IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FORESTS | BONNERS FERRY TRAIL RECONSTRUCTION | This project addresses outstanding maintenance items on the Canyon Creek, Red Top, Bussard, Rutledge and Grouse Mountain Trails. The trails provide recreation opportunities for hikers, stock users, mountain bikers and motorbikes. Project work includes reconstructed trail tread, reroutes of steep trail segments suffering severe erosion, and switchbacks reconstructed with turning radius appropriate to the mode of travel. | ID - BOUNDARY | 1ST IDAHO |
IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FORESTS | LITTLE SNOWY TOP TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS | This multi-year project reduces a significant backlog of deferred maintenance associated with the Snowy Top Trail. Sections of the trail are sloughing off due to steep hillsides. A fire destroyed this trail nearly a dozen years ago and needs to be fully rerouted. | ID - BOUNDARY | 1ST IDAHO |
IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FORESTS | PRIEST LAKE TOILET AND INFORMATION CENTER DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project replaces old toilets at land-based sites on the Priest Lake District to include Beaver Creek Campground, Navigation Trailhead, Hanna Flats Day Use, Stagger in Day Use, Kalispell Day Use, and the Priest Lake Info Center. The existing toilets do not meet current accessibility requirements and are more than twenty years old. Additionally, this project improves the Priest Lake Visitor Center. | ID - BONNER | 1ST IDAHO |
IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FORESTS | RENOVATE HISTORICAL AVERY CABIN AND BUNKHOUSE HOUSING | This project improves and upgrades the Avery Ranger Station and Bunkhouse, which serve as housing units for numerous permanent and seasonal staff. These quarters require critical repair and maintenance as this location is heavily relied on to house numerous employees where recruitment and retention of employees is low, and large landscape scale restoration efforts are abundant. | ID - SHOSHONE | 1ST IDAHO |
IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FORESTS | ROUTE OF THE HIAWATHA RAIL TRAIL TRESTLE IMPROVEMENTS | This project includes all critical health and safety needs for the Trestles and snowsheds. The Route of the Hiawatha Trail is a unique, highly scenic 15-mile trail that follows the railroad grade of the Milwaukee Railroad from near Saint Regis, Montana to Wallace, Idaho. The route provides experiences through tunnels and over trestles. | ID - SHOSHONE | 1ST IDAHO |
IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FORESTS | TOILET REPLACEMENT AT RECREATION SITES NEAR COEUR D'ALENE | This project replaces old toilets located at high visitation sites, to include the English Point Trailhead and Rainy Hill Boat Launch. The existing toilets do not meet current accessibility requirements and are more than twenty years old. | ID - KOOTENAI, ID - SHOSHONE | 1ST IDAHO |
KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST | CAMPGROUND RECONSTRUCTION | This project reconstructs and improves visitor services on several campgrounds across the forest by lengthening spurs to accommodate modern recreational vehicles, replacing camp unit furnishings, and making overall accessible upgrades. These campgrounds contribute to local county and community tourism in rural western Montana. | MT - LINCOLN | 1ST MONTANA |
KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST | KOOTENAI ACCESS IMPROVEMENT AND TRAILS DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This five-year project addresses trail deferred maintenance across the forest. Project work includes cutting out blowdown, trimming brush, reestablishing tread, and fixing drainage. | MT - LINCOLN, MT - SANDERS | 1ST MONTANA |
KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST | KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST RECREATION SITE PICNIC TABLES AND BENCH REPLACEMENT | This project replaces damaged or missing picnic tables across the Forest with units that meet accessibility guidelines to help provide high quality recreation opportunities for all members of the public. Replacement will improve public safety and increase visitor experience. Campgrounds and day use areas contribute to local county and community tourism in rural western Montana. Picnic tables across the forest are showing signs of aging and breakdown. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - LINCOLN | 1ST MONTANA |
KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST | NORTHWEST MONTANA RECREATION SITES CAMPFIRE RING REPLACEMENT | The project replaces damaged or missing fire rings with units that meet accessibility guidelines. New campfire devices will be installed with adequate clearances and reach, reducing hazards to visitors. Replacement will improve public safety, increase visitor enjoyment, and provide facilities that help reduce wildland fires. Fire rings across the Forest are showing signs of aging and degradation. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - LINCOLN, MT - SANDERS | 1ST MONTANA |
KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST | NORTHWEST MONTANA RECREATION SITES, CABINS, AND LOOKOUTS DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This five-year project repairs rental cabins and lookouts. Project activities include painting, shutter repairs, stair replacement, and electrical systems upgrades with the goal to reduce deferred maintenance on recreation sites and rentals across the forest. These improvements will enhance visitor access and experience and benefit communities served by these rentals with support from partners, other agencies, contracts, and Forest Service crews. | MT - FLATHEAD, MT - LINCOLN, MT - SANDERS | 1ST MONTANA |
KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST | REXFORD BENCH RECREATION COMPLEX WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM RECONSTRUCTION | This project replaces the 50-year-old water and wastewater system at the Rexford Bench recreation complex, eliminating periodic system closures due to failures, leaks, and deferred maintenance. Decaying piping, fixtures, and pump-house infrastructure will be replaced to meet the demands at one of the largest and most popular recreation sites on the forest. | MT - LINCOLN | 1ST MONTANA |
LOLO NATIONAL FOREST | SEELEY LAKE BUNKHOUSE HOUSING RENOVATION | This project remodels and improves the bunkhouse on the Seeley Lake Ranger District to upgrade housing options for seasonal Forest Service employees. | MT - MISSOULA | 1ST MONTANA |
NEZ PERCE-CLEARWATER NATIONAL FOREST | REPAIR THREE HISTORIC ROUTES AND ASSOCIATED RECREATION SITES | This project repairs or replaces recreation facilities, conducts deferred maintenance on national historic trails, provides interpretation, and repairs historic roads within the Lolo Trail National Historic Landmark, the Elk City Wagon Road, and Magruder Corridor. Facilities along these travel routes are relatively primitive, so upgrades would improve the visitor experience without changing the rustic character. Road and trail projects are designed to improved access in these corridors. | ID - CLEARWATER, ID - IDAHO | 1ST IDAHO |
NEZ PERCE-CLEARWATER NATIONAL FOREST | TOILET REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT | This project repairs or replaces these aging facilities with vault toilet facilities that provide a healthy, safe, and universally accessible facility. | ID - CLEARWATER, ID - IDAHO, ID - LATAH | 1ST IDAHO |
NEZ PERCE-CLEARWATER NATIONAL FOREST | TRAIL STEWARDSHIP ACT PRIORITY AREA: CENTRAL IDAHO COMPLEX DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This multi-year project reduces trail deferred maintenance across the 4-million-acre forest through such work as clearing and brushing, tread repair, drainage maintenance, and trail bridge replacements. Visitor access and experiences will be improved for motorized and non-motorized trails. The Central Idaho Complex Priority Area is a nationally selected priority area under the Trail Stewardship Act. | ID - CLEARWATER, ID - IDAHO, MT - RAVALLI | 1ST IDAHO, 1ST MONTANA |
NEZ PERCE-CLEARWATER NATIONAL FOREST | TRAILHEAD AND ROAD ACCESS REPAIRS AND UPDATES | This project reduces deferred maintenance at major trailheads and on associated access roads on the forest, which will improve access and the quality of visitor experience. Some of the trailheads addressed by the project include the Indian Hill, Fog Mountain, Idaho Point, Tom Beale, Elk Summit, Mocus Point, Warm Springs, Split Creek, Coolwater, Elk Summit, and Five Mile trailheads. | ID - IDAHO | 1ST IDAHO |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | ARAPAHO NATIONAL RECREATION AREA DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | The multi-year project addresses deferred maintenance on the Arapaho National Recreation Area by replacing toilets, installing new toilets, and addressing water system deferred maintenance while expanding those systems to support the efforts of Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Aquatic Nuisance Species operations in high use boating sites on Lake Granby. | CO - GRAND | 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | BRAINARD LAKE RECREATION AREA DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This multi-year project includes the design and reconstruction of Niwot trailhead, Red Rock Lake picnic site, and replacement of vault toilets. It also includes the construction of an accessible loop trail around the lake and connectivity trails with in the Brainard Lake recreation area. | CO - BOULDER, CO - GRAND | 2ND COLORADO |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | BRIGGSDALE HISTORICAL REHABILITATION FOR RECREATION, ADMINISTRATIVE, AND VISITOR INFORMATION SERVICES | This multi-year project includes design and construction for adaptive reuse of the house and the other buildings on site as well as recreation enhancements. | CO - WELD | 4TH COLORADO |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | CROW VALLEY WATER SYSTEM REPAIR | This project includes the assessment, design, and reconstruction of the Crow Valley water system on the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests. | CO - WELD | 4TH COLORADO |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | EMPLOYEE HOUSING SHADOW MOUNTAIN VILLAGE REPAIRS PHASE THREE | This project repairs interior and exterior issues for employee housing at Shadow Mountain Village. Project work includes updates to siding, windows, doors, paint, flooring, appliances, fixtures, cabinets, electrical and plumbing. | CO - GRAND | 2ND COLORADO, 4TH COLORADO |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | IMPROVING TRAIL SYSTEM ACCESS AND CONNECTIVITY | This project improves trails and trailheads on the West Magnolia, Magnolia, Pawnee Buttes, and Crow Valley trail systems. Project work also includes a designated dispersed camping management plan. | CO - BOULDER, CO - WELD | 2ND COLORADO, 4TH COLORADO |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | OLIVE RIDGE WATER SYSTEM REPAIR | This project includes the assessment, design, and reconstruction of the Olive Ridge Campground water system on the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests. | CO - BOULDER | 2ND COLORADO |
ARAPAHO-ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS | SHADOW MOUNTAIN VILLAGE REHABILITATION | This multi-year project includes the assessment, design, and reconstruction of the Shadow Mountain Village buildings and transportation facilities on the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests. Project work consists of refurbishing historic houses and facilities as well as reconditioning and repair to the surrounding roads. | CO - GRAND | 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO, 4TH COLORADO |
BIGHORN NATIONAL FOREST | BIGHORN FOREST-WIDE TRAILHEAD IMPROVEMENTS | This multi-year project entails trailhead access road repairs, installation or repair of toilet facilities, construction of parking areas, installation or repairs of recreation and regulatory signing, and addressing site drainage and resource concerns at multiple sites. | WY - BIG HORN, WY - BIG HORN COUNTY, WY - JOHNSON, WY - JOHNSON COUNTY, WY - SHERIDAN, WY - SHERIDAN COUNTY | 1ST WYOMING |
BIGHORN NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST SERVICE ROAD 33 ("CRAZY WOMAN ROAD") REPAIRS | This multi-year project will conduct road reconstruction, surfacing, drainage, and improved safety measures for public access. Additional work includes road stabilization and bridge improvements. Crazy Woman Road on the Bighorn National Forest provides access to many developed and dispersed recreation sites. | WY - JOHNSON, WY - JOHNSON COUNTY | 1ST WYOMING |
BIGHORN NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION AND REHABILITATION OF THE FOREST RECREATION RENTAL PROGRAM | This multi-year project includes planning, business plans, and substantial repairs for six facilities to be placed in the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act program. Work includes infrastructure and power repairs or improvements to bring assets to standard. | WY - BIG HORN, WY - JOHNSON, WY - SHERIDAN, WY - WASHAKIE | 1ST WYOMING |
BIGHORN NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE ROADSIDE TREE CLEARING | This project addresses maintenance issues on Big Goose, Battle Park, and Paintrock Forest Service roads to improve access and road safety throughout the Bighorn National Forest. Project work consists of clearing and brushing the roadway. | WY - BIG HORN COUNTY, WY - SHERIDAN COUNTY | 1ST WYOMING |
BIGHORN NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE VAULT TOILET REPLACEMENTS | This multi-year project replaces toilets at several picnic grounds, campgrounds, and trailheads. | WY - BIG HORN, WY - JOHNSON, WY - SHERIDAN | 1ST WYOMING |
BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST | BISMARCK LAKE BOARDWALK AND FISHING PIER RECONSTRUCTION | This project restores safety, stability and accessibility to the Bismarck Lake Boardwalk and Fishing Pier in compliance with accessibility guidelines. Project work includes reconstruction of the boardwalk and fishing pier, which is warped and damaged by ice heaving. Additionally, the project replaces interpretive signs. | SD - BUTTE, SD - CUSTER | 1ST SOUTH DAKOTA |
BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE RECREATION SITE TOILET REPLACEMENTS | This project replaces old toilet buildings at nine developed recreation sites across the forest and improve accessibility with lined concrete vault. | SD - CUSTER, SD - LAWRENCE, SD - PENNINGTON, WY - CROOK | 1ST SOUTH DAKOTA, 1ST WYOMING |
BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST | MITCHELL LAKE DAM RECONSTRUCTION | This project repairs the spillway, controls, headwall, and riprap of the Mitchell Lake Dam, which is in poor condition with deteriorated concrete. Project work also includes dredging to address the phosphorus pollution. | SD - PENNINGTON | 1ST SOUTH DAKOTA |
BLACK HILLS NATIONAL FOREST | VETERAN'S POINT TRAIL AND PARKING LOT REHABILITATION | This project repairs and resurfaces the asphalt trail and parking lot; repair the railing; reconstruct retaining walls; replace benches and tables; and install interpretative panels on Veteran's Trail, a popular paved trail near the Pactola Reservoir. Project work also repairs the path from the parking lot to the toilet building for compliance and to accessibility standards. | SD - PENNINGTON | 1ST SOUTH DAKOTA |
GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE, AND GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS | BLUE LAKES TRAILHEAD RECONSTRUCTION | This project reconstructs the trailhead to address health and safety as well as resource impacts resulting from expanded use. The work will address erosion, sanitation, user conflicts, travel management, road safety issues. This trail is the access point for the Mount Sneffels Wilderness and the Mount Sneffels trail, the unit's most popular 14,000-foot peak. | CO - OURAY, CO - OURAY COUNTY | 3RD COLORADO |
GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE, AND GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS | CLARK AVENUE BUNKHOUSES RENOVATIONS | This project renovates and improves the Clark Avenue Bunkhouses and district quarters. Project work includes replacing roofing, siding, and rotting window trim; installing insulation in the attic and basement; installation of a central air system; installation of a grid-tied photovoltaic system; updating plumbing systems, complete xeriscape updates, and building privacy fence. | CO - DELTA | 3RD COLORADO |
GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE, AND GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS | FOREST-WIDE FENCE REPLACEMENT | This project replaces six miles of perimeter fencing around 11 developed recreation sites across the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests. | CO - GUNNISON, CO - OURAY, CO - SAN MIGUEL | 3RD COLORADO |
GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE, AND GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS | FOREST-WIDE TOILET REPLACEMENT | This project replaces about 12 vault toilets and decommissions one (out of 10) at developed recreation sites across the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests. | CO - DELTA, CO - GUNNISON, CO - HINSDALE, CO - MESA, CO - OURAY | 3RD COLORADO |
GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE, AND GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS | NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL RESTORATION | This multi-year project restores lost access to vast areas of public land and improves water quality. It will also clear down trees, repair failed drainage structures, and rebuild lost tread on non-motorized trails across the forest. | CO - GUNNISON, CO - HINSDALE, CO - MESA, CO - MONTROSE, CO - OURAY, CO - OURAY, CO - SAGUACHE, CO - SAN MIGUEL | 3RD COLORADO |
GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE, AND GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS | TOILET REPLACEMENT: GUNNISON | This project includes replacement of composting and vault toilets. Project work will improve accessibility, health and safety, and environmental issues resulting from leaking vaults and building deterioration. | CO - GUNNISON | 3RD COLORADO |
GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE, AND GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS | TOILET REPLACEMENT: WOODS LAKE | This project improves accessibility, health and safety, and environmental issues resulting from deteriorated, leaking vault toilets and non-functioning composting systems at the Woods Lake Campground on the Norwood Ranger District. Project work includes repair and replacement of several vault and composting toilets. | CO - SAN MIGUEL | 3RD COLORADO |
MEDICINE BOW-ROUTT NATIONAL FORESTS | BRUSH CREEK VISITOR CENTER REHABILITATION | This project replaces the existing potable water distribution system that services trailer pads and buildings, including the visitor center. Project work also includes residing the visitor center with metal siding. | WY - CARBON | 1ST WYOMING |
MEDICINE BOW-ROUTT NATIONAL FORESTS | CAMPGROUND REHABILITATION - PLANNING, SURVEY, AND DESIGN | This project includes the survey, design, and construction work to update several campgrounds and parking lots to meet current needs and accessibility standards. The redesign will accommodate larger RVs, improve the recreation experience, provide for accessibility, and alleviate deferred maintenance. | CO - JACKSON, WY - ALBANY | 1ST WYOMING, 3RD COLORADO |
MEDICINE BOW-ROUTT NATIONAL FORESTS | DRY LAKE CAMPGROUND AND TRAILHEAD REHABILITATION | This project rehabilitates the Dry Lake Campground and Trailhead, a popular multi-use, all-year recreation hub near Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Project work will include improvements to the camp site and parking area and improve overall accessibility. | CO - ROUTT | 3RD COLORADO |
MEDICINE BOW-ROUTT NATIONAL FORESTS | FISH CREEK FALLS TRAIL REHABILITATION | This project rehabilitates approximately seven miles of the Fish Creek Falls Trail. Project work includes resurfacing asphalt on the parking lot, constructing retaining walls along eroding cut slopes and addressing deteriorating trail bridges. | CO - ROUTT | 3RD COLORADO |
MEDICINE BOW-ROUTT NATIONAL FORESTS | FOREST-WIDE VAULT TOILET REPLACEMENT | This project replaces the deteriorating facilities with modern, precast vault toilets. Project work will eliminate deferred maintenance and improve the recreation visitor experience. | CO - , CO - GARFIELD, CO - GRAND, CO - JACKSON, CO - MOFFAT, CO - RIO BLANCO, CO - ROUTT, WY - , WY - ALBANY, WY - CARBON, WY - CONVERSE, WY - JACKSON | 1ST WYOMING, 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO |
MEDICINE BOW-ROUTT NATIONAL FORESTS | ROB ROY AND HOG PARK BOAT DOCK REHABILITATION | This project reconstructs the permanent walkways to allow the floating docks to be launch and retrieved without heavy equipment. | WY - ALBANY, WY - CARBON | 1ST WYOMING |
MEDICINE BOW-ROUTT NATIONAL FORESTS | TIE HACK TRAIL AND MAD CREEK BRIDGES SURVEY, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION | This project includes the survey, design, and replacement of trail bridges as well as replacement of the deteriorated Mad Creek Bridge. In 2010, three bridges on the Tie Hack Trail on the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests washed out due to weather. | CO - ROUTT, WY - CARBON | 1ST WYOMING, 3RD COLORADO |
NEBRASKA NATIONAL FOREST | BESSEY RECREATION COMPLEX SIDEWALK REPAIR AND GROUP ELECTRICAL UPGRADES | This project replaces sidewalks that have become unsafe and in disrepair at the Bessey Recreation Complex and upgrading the electrical at Cedar Loop/Group Campground. | NE - THOMAS | 3RD NEBRASKA |
NEBRASKA NATIONAL FOREST | NEBRASKA MASTER CHALLENGE COST-SHARE AGREEMENT TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO FISHERIES AND RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES | This project develops access to fisheries and recreational opportunities, by improving roads, overall rehabilitation, and maintenance on three dams and fisheries on the Oglala National Grasslands. | NE - DAWES, NE - DAWES COUNTY, NE - SIOUX | 3RD NEBRASKA |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | COLORADO TRAIL (SOUTH FOOSES) DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project reconstructs a three-mile section of the Colorado Trail (South Fooses) that is currently unsafe and unsustainable for hikers. | CO - CHAFFEE, CO - DOUGLAS, CO - EAGLE, CO - JEFFERSON, CO - LAKE, CO - PARK, CO - SUMMIT | 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO, 4TH COLORADO, 5TH COLORADO |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | COTTONWOOD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT | This project constructs a new bridge and modify road approaches to match improved alignment. | CO - CHAFFEE | 5TH COLORADO |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | LAKE ISABEL DAM REPAIRS | This project addresses deferred maintenance on the Lake Isabel Dam on the Pike and San Isabel National Forests to include spillway repairs, outlet works protection, and valve investigations. | CO - PUEBLO | 3RD COLORADO |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | MONARCH PARK CAMPGROUND | This project replaces and upgrades aging recreation facilitates across a 39-campsite campground. | CO - CHAFFEE | 5TH COLORADO |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | TURQUOISE LAKE TREATMENT CHANGES | This project designs and constructs a new water treatment facility to purify the surface waters near Turquoise Lake on the Pike and San Isabel National Forests. | CO - LAKE | 3RD COLORADO |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | VAULT TOILET REPLACEMENT | This project replaces outdated vault toilets on the Cimarron National Grasslands to meet accessibility standards across five sites, including the Atwood Ponds Fishing Site, Cimarron Campground, Conestoga Trailhead, and the Cimarron and Cottonwood Picnic Ground. | KS - MORTON | 1ST KANSAS |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | VAULT TOILET REPLACEMENT LARGER | This project decommissions and replaces old toilets on the Pikes Peak, Salida, San Carlos, South Park, and South Platte Ranger Districts with facilities that meet accessibility standards. | CO - CHAFFEE, CO - CUSTER, CO - EL PASO, CO - FREMONT, CO - LAKE, CO - PARK, CO - SAGUACHE, CO - TELLER | 3RD COLORADO, 5TH COLORADO |
PIKE AND SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST | WATER TREATMENT BUILDING AND TREATMENT RENOVATIONS | This project will construct a new water treatment facility at the Monument Fire Center on the Pike and San Isabel National Forests. This new system will address the filtration of iron, manganese, and lead from water. | CO - EL PASO | 5TH COLORADO |
R2, ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION | COLORADO FOURTEENERS TRAIL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project addresses severe resource damage caused by extremely fragile alpine environment combined with user-created trails and heavy visitation. The work completed will create sustainable trails to improve resource conditions and visitor experience. | CO - CHAFFEE COUNTY, CO - CLEAR CREEK COUNTY, CO - CUSTER COUNTY, CO - EL PASO COUNTY, CO - LAKE COUNTY, CO - SAGUACHE COUNTY, CO - TELLER COUNTY, NM - TAOS | 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO, 3RD NEW MEXICO, 5TH COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | CHIMNEY ROCK ENTRY AND PARKING PAVING | This project repaves the entry road and parking lot for Chimney Rock National Monument. Chimney Rock encompasses 4,726 acres of the San Juan National Forest between Durango and Pagosa Springs, Colo. | CO - ARCHULETA | 3RD COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | COLUMBINE TOILET REPLACEMENT | This project replaces toilets at the La Plata City Dispersed Area, Miller Creek Campground, Sig Creek Campground, and Madden Creek Campground. | CO - LA PLATA | 3RD COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | DOLORES FIRE HERITAGE | This project renovates historic structures including Benchmark Fire Lookout Tower, Jersey Jim Lookout, Aspen Guard Station, Glade Guard Station in the Dolores Ranger District providing for safety and longevity of the structures and future operations under a concessionaire or administrative use. | CO - ARCHULETA, CO - DOLORES, CO - MONTEZUMA | 3RD COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | DOLORES TOILET REPLACEMENT | This project replaces two toilet buildings with modern and low maintenance concrete vault toilets on the Pagosa Ranger District. | CO - ARCHULETA | 3RD COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | EAST ANIMAS BUNKHOUSES DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project improves two East Animas bunkhouses on the San Juan National Forest to accommodate more permanent and seasonal employees, who work in fire, fuels, timber, road crew, hydrology, and other resource areas. | CO - LA PLATA | 3RD COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | HOUSE CREEK ROAD 528 SLUMP REPAIR | This project installs new subsurface drains, a guard rail, retaining wall and asphalt resurfacing on House Creek Road 528. | CO - MONTEZUMA | 3RD COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | MCPHEE BREAKWATER | This project replaces the existing wave attenuators and add additional wave attenuation measures at McPhee Reservoir. McPhee is the fifth largest lake in Colorado and is full-service May to October. Users enjoy fishing as well as motorized and non-motorized boating activities. | CO - MONTEZUMA | 3RD COLORADO |
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST | WILLIAMS CREEK CAMPGROUND | This project replaces campground site amenities including all use and tent pads, picnic tables, and fire rings on the Williams Creek campground. This popular recreation site is known for fishing, all-terrain riding, and kayaking. | CO - HINSDALE | 3RD COLORADO |
SHOSHONE NATIONAL FOREST | ANDERSON LODGE PRESERVATION | This project finalizes the ongoing stabilization and preservation of the historic Anderson Lodge. Project work includes improving structural integrity and related deferred maintenance tasks. Anderson Lodge was utilized as the first administrative headquarters of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve (1902) and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. | WY - PARK | 1ST WYOMING |
SHOSHONE NATIONAL FOREST | SHOSHONE DEVELOPED RECREATION DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project replaces outdated picnic tables, fire rings and grills, water system distribution and pumping systems, toilet maintenance work, and improve walkways to restrooms to meet accessibility standards. This work will be completed across 218 sites throughout the Forests. | WY - FREMONT, WY - PARK | 1ST WYOMING |
SHOSHONE NATIONAL FOREST | SINKS CANYON CAMPGROUND ROAD RESURFACE | This project resurfaces the Sinks Canyon Campground Road on the Shoshone National Forest. | WY - FREMONT | 1ST WYOMING |
SHOSHONE NATIONAL FOREST | WAPITI BUNKHOUSE CONSTRUCTION | This project decommissions four inoperable and one operable housing facilities at three different administrative sites and replaces them with one 10-person bunkhouse. Centralized housing will reduce commuting times, facility maintenance and utility expenditures. | WY - PARK | 1ST WYOMING |
WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST | ASPEN-SOPRIS DISTRICT OFFICE REDEVELOPMENT | This project focuses on the construction of the Aspen-Sopris District Office and subsequent phases to design and construct the warehouse, shop, yard, and pasture. | CO - GARFIELD | 3RD COLORADO |
WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST | EAGLE BUNKHOUSE REPLACEMENT | This project replaces the existing triple-wide modular bunkhouse at the Minturn Housing Complex, located about two miles south of the Holy Cross District Office where the combined Eagle-Holy Cross District have consolidated operations. | CO - EAGLE | 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO |
WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM REPLACEMENT | This project replaces deteriorating toilet facilities on the White River National Forest with accessible double vault toilets. | CO - EAGLE, CO - SUMMIT | 2ND COLORADO |
WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE PARTNERSHIP TRAIL PROJECT TWO | This project addresses deferred maintenance on trails across the White River National Forest's extensive trail system by utilizing youth corps, volunteers, and other partnerships. | CO - EAGLE, CO - GARFIELD, CO - GUNNISON, CO - MESA, CO - PITKIN, CO - RIO BLANCO, CO - SUMMIT | 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO |
WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST | SWEETWATER LAKE RECREATION REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION | The project improves public offerings at the lake in line with those provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Forest Service at other locations with upgrades targeting camping, cabin and boat rentals, horse rides, hiking, food service, fishing, educational programs. | CO - EAGLE, CO - GARFIELD | 2ND COLORADO, 3RD COLORADO |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
APACHE-SITGREAVES NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE DEVELOPED RECREATION SITE RENOVATION | This multi-year project addresses deferred maintenance work that includes, but is not limited to, pavement, site amenity replacements, replacement of signs and markers, and installation of kiosks to improve visitor safety, interpretive and payment information. | AZ - APACHE, AZ - COCONINO, AZ - GREENLEE | 1ST ARIZONA |
APACHE-SITGREAVES NATIONAL FOREST | SPRINGERVILLE RANGER DISTRICT BUNKHOUSE | The project replaces the existing bunkhouse into a new housing unit on the Springerville Ranger District since the old bunkhouse has severe water and mold damage. These safety and accessibility improvements to a new bunkhouse are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | AZ - APACHE | 1ST ARIZONA, 2ND ARIZONA |
CARSON NATIONAL FOREST | HOPEWELL LAKE DAY USE AND CAMPGROUND RENNOVATIONS & IMPROVEMENTS | This project renovates and improves both the day use and campground at Hopewell Lake to include toilet facility repair, replacement of the day use entrance gate, fee station and entrance sign. | NM - RIO ARRIBA, NM - TAOS | 3RD NEW MEXICO |
COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST | COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST SURVEY AND DESIGN FOR FIVE CAMPGROUNDS | This project entails survey and design for five campgrounds near Cave Springs on the Coconino National Forest with support for forest engineers and landscape architects. | AZ - COCONINO | 1ST ARIZONA |
COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST PORTAL AND RECREATION SITE SIGN REPLACEMENT PROJECT | This multi-year project replaces dilapidated signs at campgrounds, day-use sites and trailheads, in addition to other forest portal signs for a consistent look. Many signs at recreation sites across the Coconino National Forest have outstanding deferred maintenance needs. | AZ - COCONINO, AZ - YAVAPAI | 1ST ARIZONA |
COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST | HOUSING CONVERSION OF HISTORIC BEAVER CREEK WORK CENTER | This project converts the historic structures at Beaver Creek Work Center into employee housing to address the housing needs for permanent and seasonal employees. | AZ - YAVAPAI | 1ST ARIZONA |
COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST | MOGOLLON RIM RANGER DISTRICT FIBER OPTIC UPGRADES | This project updates the main office on the Mogollon Rim Ranger District and two other buildings to provide faster and consistent internet that meets current needs. The previous outdated system was vulnerable to cyber-attacks and experienced latency issues. | AZ - COCONINO | 1ST ARIZONA |
COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST | RED ROCK TRAILS UNIVERSAL ACCESS ENHANCEMENT PROJECT | The Red Rock Trail's Universal Access Enhancement is a three-phased project that includes: trailhead survey and design; construction of new accessible trailhead; and addressing deferred maintenance on trails near the new accessible trailhead. | AZ - NAVAJO, AZ - YAVAPAI | 1ST ARIZONA |
CORONADO NATIONAL FOREST | PALISADES APARTMENTS ROOF REPLACE AND INTERNAL RENOVATIONS | This project renovates the existing Palisades apartments on the Santa Catalina Ranger District. Project work includes an internal remodel, such as drywall repair, new paint, and new lighting fixtures, as well as exterior improvements for the installation of a new roof. These apartments will aid in recruiting and hiring fire personnel on the Coronado National Forest. | AZ - PIMA | 7TH ARIZONA, 8TH ARIZONA |
CORONADO NATIONAL FOREST | RECONSTRUCT UPPER CONTROL ROAD ROAD 38 | This project reconstructs the Upper Control Road near the top of the Santa Catalina mountain range. Project work includes installing culverts, hardening drainages, placing road surfacing aggregate and paving multiple road segments to accommodate passenger vehicle traffic, increase durability, and reduce long-term maintenance. | AZ - PIMA | 8TH ARIZONA |
CORONADO NATIONAL FOREST | REPLACE BEAR CANYON BRIDGE | This project includes realignment of road approaches and a hardened bridge bypass for overweight equipment on this bridge. Mitigation measures to protect the threatened and endangered species in the water course will be implemented. | AZ - COCHISE, AZ - SANTA CRUZ | 8TH ARIZONA |
CORONADO NATIONAL FOREST | SKY ISLAND TRAIL MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT | This project maintains and improves trails in Santa Catalina, Galiuro, and Chiricahua Mountains in year one, before moving to other portions of the forest in future years. Work will be prioritized based on safety and visitor use. | AZ - COCHISE, AZ - GRAHAM, AZ - PIMA, AZ - SANTA CRUZ | 1ST ARIZONA, 2ND ARIZONA, 3RD ARIZONA |
CORONADO NATIONAL FOREST | TANQUE VERDE FALLS RECREATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECT | This project improves public safety, provides a high-quality recreation experience, and protects forest resources. Replacing existing unsurfaced and user created trailheads with basic amenities such as a restroom, picnic sites, trash service and picnic sites in the Tanque Verde Falls will help improve recreation and resource conditions. The project also includes trail maintenance, adoption, and construction to sustainable standards. | AZ - PIMA | 2ND ARIZONA, 6TH ARIZONA, 8TH ARIZONA |
GILA NATIONAL FOREST | GILA NATIONAL FOREST ROAD 141 REPAVEMENT | This project includes, but is not limited to, reconstructing segments of failed road, new sign installations and resurfacing with asphalt. Forest Road 141 is an arterial road on the Gila National Forest that provides access to the Gila Wilderness, the Negrito Fire Base, to many recreation sites, and serves as haul road for restoration projects. | NM - CATRON | 2ND NEW MEXICO |
GILA NATIONAL FOREST | GILA WILDERNESS AND URBAN INTERFACE TRAIL ACCESS IMPROVEMENT | This project restores access to this unique, rugged, and exceptional area through focused efforts on arterial trails and other key access points. The Gila Wilderness is a premier destination that offers exceptional opportunities for solitude and backcountry adventure. Trail access is currently limited. | NM - CATRON, NM - GRANT | 2ND NEW MEXICO |
LINCOLN NATIONAL FOREST | CEDAR CREEK TRAIL ACCESS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT | This project includes trailhead design and development, installation of multi-use pedestrian and bike bridge, design approved water crossings, and construction of accessible trail. | NM - LINCOLN | 2ND NEW MEXICO |
PRESCOTT NATIONAL FOREST | PRESCOTT TRAILS MAINTENANCE | This multi-year project reduces deferred maintenance by brushing and repairing drainage structures of the trail. A number of the trails on the Prescott National Forest have outstanding maintenance needs. | AZ - YAVAPAI | 1ST ARIZONA |
R3, SOUTHWESTERN REGION | ARIZONA NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This multi-year project addresses trails on the Coronado, Tonto, Coconino, and Kaibab National Forests. Many trail segments of the Arizona National Scenic Trail have outstanding maintenance needs. Project work includes routine maintenance, spring and burned area restoration, infrastructure improvements, and segment rerouting. | AZ - COCHISE, AZ - COCONINO, AZ - GILA, AZ - MARICOPA, AZ - PIMA, AZ - PINAL, AZ - SANTA CRUZ | 1ST ARIZONA, 2ND ARIZONA, 3RD ARIZONA, 5TH ARIZONA |
R3, SOUTHWESTERN REGION | CANJILON AND KINGSTON RESTROOM REPLACEMENT | This project includes purchase and installation of new vault toilet facilities in two forests - the Carson and Gila National Forests. The work includes demolition of existing toilets, design, contract administration, and finally, accessibility infrastructure and pathways to the newly installed vault toilet facilities. The repairs will meet current environmental and construction standards and will eliminate existing deferred maintenance. | NM - GRANT, NM - RIO ARRIBA, NM - SIERRA | 2ND NEW MEXICO, 3RD NEW MEXICO |
SANTA FE NATIONAL FOREST | JEMEZ NATIONAL RECREATION AREA DISPERSED RECREATION MANAGEMENT | This multi-year collaborative planning project includes designating group and individual campsites, restroom facilities, pavement maintenance, and other resource protection features. The Cuba and Jemez Ranger Districts are experiencing a rise in visitation and unmanaged recreation that are causing damage to natural and cultural resources, including sites that are sacred to Pueblos and Tribes of northern New Mexico. | NM - SANDOVAL | 3RD NEW MEXICO |
SANTA FE NATIONAL FOREST | SANTA FE NATIONAL FOREST DEVELOPED RECREATION SITES IMPROVEMENTS | This project replaces visitor information kiosks, fee payment receptacles, and trash collection device that were identified in poor condition through our condition surveys. This project improves visitor information and recreation fee payment in a modular unit. | NM - MORA, NM - RIO ARRIBA, NM - SAN MIGUEL, NM - SANDOVAL, NM - SANTA FE | 3RD NEW MEXICO |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
ASHLEY NATIONAL FOREST | UINTA GUARD STATION REHABILITATION | This project includes replacing the roof, interior improvements, painting the exterior, adding a CXT, new appliances, and multiple other tasks. The rehabilitation of this historic structure is being done before it is added it to the recreation rental program. | UT - DUCHESNE | 1ST UTAH |
BOISE NATIONAL FOREST | CRITICAL HOUSING DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project addresses critical repairs of housing units for permanent and seasonal employees at the Lowman, Garden Valley, Crawford, and Idaho City administrative sites. Employees utilizing these housing facilities support the management of projects within an identified Wildfire Crisis Strategy landscape. | ID - BOISE, ID - VALLEY | 1ST IDAHO |
BOISE NATIONAL FOREST | CRITICAL WATER AND WASTEWATER DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project addresses critical repairs of water and wastewater systems at the Garden Valley, Lowman, Idaho City, and Crawford administrative sites that house permanent and seasonal employees. These safety and accessibility improvements are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | ID - BOISE, ID - VALLEY | 1ST IDAHO |
BOISE NATIONAL FOREST | KIRKHAM DAY USE SITE IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves the Kirkham campground to include work on reconfigured parking and replacement of day-use facilities, such as shelters and changing rooms. The project also replaces the deteriorated asphalt road surface, gate, and potable water lines, as well as eliminates roadside parking and rehabilitate damaged areas. | ID - BOISE | 1ST IDAHO, 2ND IDAHO |
BOISE NATIONAL FOREST | SAGE HEN RECREATION AREA RECONSTRUCTION | This project renovates and improves six campgrounds and two boat ramps at the Sage Hen Reservoir Recreation Area. | ID - GEM | 1ST IDAHO |
BRIDGER-TETON NATIONAL FOREST | UPPER GREEN RIVER CORRIDOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT PHASE ONE | This project improves the Upper Green River corridor, to include resurfacing approximately 40 miles of road and replace deficient recreation facilities at the Green River recreation site. | WY - SUBLETTE | 1ST WYOMING |
DIXIE NATIONAL FOREST | ESCALANTE RANGER DISTRICT HOUSING | This project renovates an existing non-functioning bunkhouse, renovate two existing housing units to accommodate additional employees, and repair existing support buildings. These safety and accessibility improvements are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | UT - GARFIELD | 2ND UTAH, 3RD UTAH |
FISHLAKE NATIONAL FOREST | FISH LAKE BASIN RECREATION AREA DEFERRED MAINTENANCE REDUCTION | This project maintains campground roads, marinas, campground spurs and site furnishings, and a central sewer system to the Fish Lake Basin Recreation Area. | UT - SEVIER | 3RD UTAH |
FISHLAKE NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE ROAD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project mitigates deferred maintenance on the main access roads into the Fishlake National Forest with reconditioning roads, restoring proper drainage, removing roadside vegetation, and placing a stabilized gravel or roto mill road surface. | UT - GARFIELD, UT - MILLARD, UT - PIUTE, UT - SEVIER, UT - WAYNE | 2ND UTAH, 3RD UTAH |
FISHLAKE NATIONAL FOREST | KENTS LAKE ROAD CORRIDOR DM REDUCTION | This project will renovate the infrastructure in the popular Kents Lake Road corridor to improve the visitor experience, increase accessibility, and reduce deferred maintenance. The project improves the road surface with placement of gravel and adding dust control products. The project also replaces site furnishings and toilets in five of the district's highest use campgrounds. | UT - BEAVER, UT - PIUTE | 1ST UTAH, 2ND UTAH, 3RD UTAH |
HUMBOLDT-TOIYABE NATIONAL FOREST | DEFICIENT BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS | This project repairs and restores several deficient bridges on the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, to include the following: Upper Jarbidge, Charleston-Jarbidge, Thomas Creek, Kingsont, Cloudburst, Mill Creek, Schoonover Creek, Buckeye Creek, Bodie Creek and Willow Creek trail bridges. | CA - ALPINE, CA - MONO, NV - ELKO, NV - LANDER, NV - MINERAL, NV - WASHOE | 25TH CALIFORNIA, 2ND NEVADA, 3RD CALIFORNIA |
HUMBOLDT-TOIYABE NATIONAL FOREST | ELY BARRACKS REPLACEMENT | This project develops a new barracks facility that will house between 12-16 employees, to include firefighters, recreation specialists, timber management personnel, and natural resource specialists. The previous housing unit were composed of two trailers in need of constant repair. | NV - WHITE PINE | 2ND NEVADA, 4TH NEVADA |
HUMBOLDT-TOIYABE NATIONAL FOREST | SPRING MOUNTAINS VISITOR GATEWAY TRAILS RENOVATION | This project repairs the existing trail system in the Spring Mountain National Recreation Area. Project work includes repairing washouts, replacement tread and surfacing, and stabilizing the trail. | NV - CLARK | 3RD NEVADA |
MANTI-LASAL NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST ROAD AND TRAIL SIGNAGE | This project improves road and trail signage, including inventory, planning, purchasing, and installation of new road and trail signs. | UT - CARBON, UT - EMERY, UT - SAN JUAN, UT - SANPETE | 2ND UTAH, 3RD UTAH, 4TH UTAH |
PAYETTE NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST HOUSING DEFERRED MAINTENANCE FOR YEAR-ROUND USE | This project replaces heating systems, improve insulation, replace windows and siding, upgrading propane and water systems, and replacing laundry facilities at several housing units across the Payette National Forest. | ID - ADAMS, ID - VALLEY | 1ST IDAHO |
PAYETTE NATIONAL FOREST | MCCALL AREA HOUSING BARRACKS REPLACEMENT | This project replaces two existing barracks at the McCall Area housing site to accommodate housing for more permanent and seasonal employees. | ID - VALLEY | 1ST IDAHO |
SALMON-CHALLIS NATIONAL FOREST | BOUNDARY-DAGGER ROAD REPAIR | This project addresses critical repairs needed for Boundary and Dagger Roads, both providing the only access to the infamous Middle Fork of the Salmon River within the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. The heavy traffic on the roads during busy seasons has led to massive deterioration and sediment into sensitive streams. | ID - CUSTER, ID - VALLEY | 1ST IDAHO, 2ND IDAHO |
UINTA-WASATCH-CACHE NATIONAL FOREST | BLACKHAWK CAMPGROUND RECONSTRUCTION | This project reconstructs family and group sites, restrooms, water and wastewater systems, signs, trail, and roads on the Blackhawk campground. After the site was destroyed by fire, the corridor has become overrun by dispersed camping and reconstruction will restore the Scenic Byway. | UT - UTAH | 3RD UTAH |
UINTA-WASATCH-CACHE NATIONAL FOREST | HEBER-KAMAS QUARTERS DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROJECT | This project addresses maintenance and upgrades to housing units on the Heber-Kamas district. | UT - SUMMIT, UT - WASATCH | 1ST UTAH, 2ND UTAH, 3RD UTAH |
UINTA-WASATCH-CACHE NATIONAL FOREST | HISTORIC GUINAVAH-MALIBU CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS CAMPGROUND AND AMPHITHEATER RECONSTRUCTION | This project addresses outstanding site maintenance with work that includes repairs to the amphitheater's original stonework and seat, with additional reconstruction on restrooms, roads, trails, and interpretative signage on the Guinavah-Malibu Campground. | UT - CACHE | 1ST UTAH |
UINTA-WASATCH-CACHE NATIONAL FOREST | PINEVIEW RESERVOIR RECREATION COMPLEX RECONSTRUCTION | This project improves day-use facilities including picnic areas, parking lots, restroom facilities, water systems, trails, roads, and signage at the Pineview Reservoir Recreation Complex. | UT - WEBER | 1ST UTAH |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST | CRYSTAL LAKE RECREATION AREA AND COLDBROOK CAMPGROUND SITE IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves Deer Flat Group Campground and Coldbrook Campground. Renovation of the amphitheater and improved signage and public information will enhance the visitor experience. Pavement and road stabilization is needed for the Crystal Lake Recreation Area road network. | CA - LOS ANGELES | 26TH CALIFORNIA, 27TH CALIFORNIA, 33TH CALIFORNIA |
ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST | SPUNKY, SAWMILL AND BEAR CAMPGROUND RENOVATIONS | The project renovates the Sawmill and Bear campgrounds. Improvements at the Sawmill Campground will better define the site, install a barrier system, and pave the campground loops and spurs, and include installation of food lockers. Improvements at Bear Campground will relocate campground amenities to a more suitable location. | CA - LOS ANGELES | 20TH CALIFORNIA, 22ND CALIFORNIA, 25TH CALIFORNIA |
CLEVELAND NAITONAL FOREST | MULTIPLE BARRACKS RENOVATION AND FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves barracks across three ranger districts. Project work includes improvements to roofs, water systems, heating and ventilation, plumbing, drainage, and overall accessibility. | CA - CONTRA COSTA, CA - ORANGE, CA - RIVERSIDE, CA - SAN DIEGO | 42ND CALIFORNIA, 45TH CALIFORNIA, 46TH CALIFORNIA, 47TH CALIFORNIA, 48TH CALIFORNIA, 49TH CALIFORNIA, 50TH CALIFORNIA, 51ST CALIFORNIA, 52ND CALIFORNIA |
CLEVELAND NAITONAL FOREST | UPPER SAN JUAN CAMPGROUND RENOVATION | This project addresses outstanding maintenance issues on the access road and the Upper San Juan Campground. Project work includes replacing barriers, fire rings, picnic tables, trash receptacles, gates, culverts, and vault toilets. | CA - RIVERSIDE | 42ND CALIFORNIA, 49TH CALIFORNIA |
ELDORADO NATIONAL FOREST | ADVENTURE MOUNTAIN LODGE ROOF REPLACEMENT | This project repairs and replaces the roof to ensure the Adventure Mountain resort lodge is available for year-round use and offer summer opportunities. | CA - EL DORADO | 4TH CALIFORNIA |
ELDORADO NATIONAL FOREST | HIGHWAY 88 TRAILHEAD IMPROVEMENTS AND TRAIL MAINTENANCE | This project addresses capacity challenges at very popular trailheads and includes trail maintenance and trailhead improvements to the parking area, signage and restrooms. Additional project work will include parking lot and road access improvements to the trailhead. | CA - ALPINE, CA - AMADOR, CA - EL DORADO | 3RD CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
INYO NATIONAL FOREST | DAY USE SITES SAFETY AND ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS | This project fixes major safety and accessibility deficiencies at heavily used day use sites on the Inyo National Forest. Accessibility, safety, pedestrian flow, and site layout will all be analyzed and updated. This project complements a Federal Lands Access Program project with the Federal Highway Administration to address pavement at one site, so this project will improve the rest of the area for a holistic renovation to aging day use sites. | CA - MADERA, CA - MONO | 25TH CALIFORNIA, 8TH CALIFORNIA |
INYO NATIONAL FOREST | HOUSING DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROJECT | This project makes interior and exterior improvements to four housing sites, to include painting and repairs to the roof, windows, and flooring. These safety and accessibility improvements are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | CA - INYO, CA - MONO | 25TH CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
INYO NATIONAL FOREST | INYO CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT | The project improves and renovates the Grays Meadow, Onion Valley, Lower Lee Vining, Aspen, and Moraine Campgrounds. | CA - INYO, CA - MONO | 25TH CALIFORNIA, 8TH CALIFORNIA |
KLAMATH NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE INTERPRETIVE SIGNS AND TRAIL MARKERS | This project addresses signage maintenance with forest-wide repairs and replacement of kiosks and information display panels. Project work improves approximately 29 campgrounds, 13 day-use areas, 50 trailheads, and 12 river access its. | CA - SISKIYOU, OR - JACKSON | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA, 2ND OREGON |
LAKE TAHOE BASIN MGT UNIT | ADMINISTRATIVE SITE TRAILER PAD IMPROVEMENT | This project improves barracks by upgrading ten trailer pads with utility services that will accommodate seasonal employee housing needs. | CA - EL DORADO | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
LAKE TAHOE BASIN MGT UNIT | BARRACKS RECONSTRUCTION | This project reconstructs roofs, historic foundations, and interior upgrades for the Meeks Bay barracks and two Pope-Baldwin Estates housing units within the Tallac Historic Site. | CA - EL DORADO | 4TH CALIFORNIA |
LAKE TAHOE BASIN MGT UNIT | BAYVIEW PARKING LOT UPGRADES | This project upgrades the vehicular circulation and parking lot at the Bayview recreation site. The existing vehicle circulation and parking lot is antiquated and does not meet the needs of this busy trailhead. The new parking lot accommodates more vehicles, and provides public access to desolation wilderness, inspiration point, and Cathedral Fall Trailhead. | CA - EL DORADO, CA - ELDORADO | 4TH CALIFORNIA |
LAKE TAHOE BASIN MGT UNIT | LAKE TAHOE FIRE STATION REMOVAL, UPGRADES AND CONSTRUCTION | This project constructs a new fire station on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe since the existing fire station at Meeks Bay is in poor condition and cannot accommodate modern fire engines and crews. | CA - EL DORADO, CA - PLACER | 4TH CALIFORNIA |
LASSEN NATIONAL FOREST | LASSEN FOREST-WIDE TOILET REPLACEMENT | This project replaces nine vault toilet buildings and repairs one across many sites on the Battle Creek Campground and Ashpan Snowmobile Trailhead. Project work also includes updates to fixtures and plumbing at the Almanor Boat Launch flush restrooms and replacement of the wastewater systems. | CA - PLUMAS, CA - SHASTA, CA - TEHAMA | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA |
MODOC NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE TRAILS MAINTENANCE PHASE TWO | This project repairs and restores trails across the Modoc National Forest. Project work includes tread re-establishment, brushing, logging out thousands of downed trees, maintaining trailheads, signage, and repairing drainage features and stream crossings. | CA - MODOC, CA - SISKIYOU | 2ND CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
MODOC NATIONAL FOREST | MEDICINE LAKE ROADS | This project addresses deferred maintenance, pavement preservation, and repairs to primary forest roads accessing Medicine Lake Recreation Area. This lake is located in a shield volcano caldera, and the lake and mountain are both sacred to local tribes. | CA - PLACER, CA - SISKIYOU | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
MODOC NATIONAL FOREST | MODOC FORESTWIDE BARRACKS HOUSING MAINTENANCE | This project improves and upgrades siding, flooring, roofing, paint, windows, heating and air conditioning systems, and cabinets to barracks across the Modoc National Forest. Project work focuses on climate change mitigation and emphasizes high-efficiency, low energy use designs and installations that will house approximately 100 seasonal employees. | CA - MODOC, CA - SHASTA, CA - SISKIYOU | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
PLUMAS NATIONAL FOREST | FIRE DETECTION AND REC LOOKOUT DEFERRED MAINTENANCE UPGRADES | The project decommissions and replaces lookout pit toilets with new vaults. It also includes a new roof, paint, and interior cabinets at several lookout points on the Plumas National Forest. Additionally, these upgrades include new stairs, roofing, windows, and siding. All these repairs have long term future value as fire lookouts can be transferred into recreation rental opportunities if decisions are made not to continue staffing. | CA - LASSEN, CA - PLUMAS, CA - SIERRA, CA - YUBA, NV - WASHOE | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA, 2ND NEVADA, 3RD CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
SAN BERNARDINO NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE RECREATION SITES WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS | This project includes removal and replacement of multiple old valves and other equipment on multiple recreation water systems and bringing them up to an acceptable level of infrastructure for current public health guidelines and best practices. | CA - RIVERSIDE, CA - SAN BERNARDINO | 26TH CALIFORNIA, 35TH CALIFORNIA, 41ST CALIFORNIA, 45TH CALIFORNIA |
SAN BERNARDINO NATIONAL FOREST | IMPROVING AND REPLACING AGED INTERPRETIVE MATERIAL AT THE BIG BEAR DISCOVERY CENTER | This project reduces site deferred maintenance with work that includes replacement of dated interpretive materials at the Big Bear Discovery Center on the San Bernardino National Forest. | CA - SAN BERNARDINO | 41ST CALIFORNIA |
SAN BERNARDINO NATIONAL FOREST | REHABILITATE DEVELOPED AND DISPERSED RECREATIONAL SITES | This project refurbishes existing recreational sites and facilities by replacing and repairing worn campfire rings, damaged picnic tables, windows, flush toilets, walkways, and small footpath bridges. | CA - , CA - RIVERSIDE, CA - SAN BERNARDINO | 26TH CALIFORNIA, 41ST CALIFORNIA, 45TH CALIFORNIA, 8TH CALIFORNIA |
SHASTA TRINITY NATIONAL FOREST | HARRISON GULCH BARRACKS AND WATER SYSTEM DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project repairs and replaces water storage and distribution systems at the Harrison Gulch administrative site and will address reconstruction and operational upgrades to reduce frequent water quality issues and extensive system leaks. This site hosts the Trinity Hotshots and engine crews at a location where there is limited housing. | CA - SHASTA | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA |
SIERRA NATIONAL FOREST | ACCESSIBLE UPGRADE - TOILET REPLACEMENT - HIGH SIERRA FORESTS | This project addresses the need to correct legal non-compliance challenges and provide recreation facilities which are universally accessible and meet Accessibility Guidelines. Old wooden vault toilets will be replaced by units that have low maintenance and meet accessibility requirements. | CA - ALPINE, CA - ALPINE, TUOLUMNE, CA - CALAVERAS, CA - FRESNO, CA - INYO, CA - MADERA, CA - MONO, CA - TULARE, CA - TUOLUMNE | 19TH CALIFORNIA, 21ST CALIFORNIA, 23RD CALIFORNIA, 25TH CALIFORNIA, 3RD CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA, 8TH CALIFORNIA |
SIERRA NATIONAL FOREST | SIERRA VISTA SCENIC BYWAY REHABILITATION PROJECT | This project includes chip seal for paved roads and campgrounds, base rock for gravel roads, and replacement of regulatory, warning, road destination and recreation site identification signs. The Scenic Byway roads, campgrounds and vista points are in poor condition. | CA - MADERA | 4TH CALIFORNIA |
SIX RIVERS NATIONAL FOREST | PATRICK CREEK BATH HOUSE RESTORATION | This project repairs and restores windows, doors, and flooring at the Patrick's Creek bath house on the Gasquet Ranger District. | CA - DEL NORTE, CA - HUMBOLDT | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA |
SIX RIVERS NATIONAL FOREST | RECREATION AND ADMIN FACILITIES WATER SYSTEMS UPGRADES FOR SAFE WATER USE | This project replaces deteriorating drinking water treatment equipment across 12 campgrounds on the Six Rivers National Forest. | CA - DEL NORTE, CA - HUMBOLDT, CA - SISKIYOU, CA - TRINITY | 1ST CALIFORNIA, 2ND CALIFORNIA |
STANISLAUS NATIONAL FOREST | BARRACKS REPAIRS AND RETROFITTING | This project addresses necessary repairs, rehabilitation, and retrofitting of multiple facilities, improve pavement work on the parking areas, and addressing health and safety mitigations in the Strawberry, Dorrington, and Hathaway Work Centers. Project work also includes constructing a bathhouse and utility connections at Alpine Station to provide a usable trailer pad facility as this remote site. | CA - ALPINE, CA - CALAVERAS, CA - TUOLUMNE | 19TH CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
STANISLAUS NATIONAL FOREST | SOUTHERN SIERRA ZONE PAVEMENT STRIPING AND SAFETY MAINTENANCE | This project improves pavement markings and install regulatory, warning, road destination and recreation site identification signs. The Southern Sierra Zone has over 500 miles of paved roads many of which lack consistent pavement markings. | CA - CALAVERAS, CA - FRESNO, CA - MADERA, CA - TUOLUMNE | 19TH CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
STANISLAUS NATIONAL FOREST | SOUTHERN SIERRA ZONE RECREATION FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves the quality and diversity of sustainable recreational opportunities at recreation sites across three forests in the Southern Sierra Zone. It includes repairs and upgrades to potable water sources and distribution systems as well as roofing, painting, plumbing, and camp site amenity and access improvements. On the Inyo, Sequoia, and Stanislaus National Forests, many recreation facilities have urgent health and safety maintenance needs. | CA - ALPINE, CA - CALAVERAS, CA - INYO, CA - KERN, CA - MARIPOSA, CA - TULARE, CA - TUOLUMNE | 19TH CALIFORNIA, 21ST CALIFORNIA, 22ND CALIFORNIA, 25TH CALIFORNIA, 3RD CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
TAHOE NATIONAL FOREST | CHINA WALL MOTORIZED STAGING AREA EXPANSION, FACILITIES AND TRAILS IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves and expands the China Wall motorized staging area, to include toilet upgrades; widening the access road; installing new trash receptacles, signage, tables, gates, and bulletin boards; and constructing a new motorized loading ramp. This trail and staging area are part of the Sugar Pine off-highway vehicle trail system. | CA - PLACER | 3RD CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
TAHOE NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE BARRACKS DEFERRED MAINTENANCE AND RENOVATION | This project makes exterior and interior improvements across multiple barracks on the Tahoe National Forest. These improvements are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | CA - NEVADA, CA - PLACER, CA - SIERRA, CA - YUBA | 4TH CALIFORNIA |
TAHOE NATIONAL FOREST | SAND POND AQUATIC PASSAGE AND INTERPRETIVE TRAIL ACCESSIBLE BOARDWALK REPLACEMENT | This project replaces sections of the Sand Pond Interpretive Boardwalk so that it is more accessible for visitors to learn about the Tribal history and culture of the area. This installation also protects a wet meadow that is part of the North Yuba Watershed and provides restoration of the aquatic system due to the existing, failing boardwalk that is currently neither useable for the public nor provide adequate separation for the aquatic resources of the wetland. | CA - SIERRA | 3RD CALIFORNIA, 4TH CALIFORNIA |
TAHOE NATIONAL FOREST | SARDINE CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves toilet buildings, picnic tables, signs, and fire rings on the Sardine Campground on the Tahoe National Forest. | CA - SIERRA | 4TH CALIFORNIA |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE NATIONAL SCENIC AREA | DOG MOUNTAIN TRAILHEAD RELOCATION | The project relocates the trailhead to address congestion and safety concerns at popular recreation site on State Route 14 in Skamania County, Washington. | WA - SKAMANIA | 3RD WASHINGTON, 4TH WASHINGTON |
COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE NATIONAL SCENIC AREA | HISTORIC MULTNOMAH FALLS LODGE, CRITICAL ACCESSIBILITY, UTILITY, AND SECURITY SYSTEM UPGRADES | This project involves critical upgrades to lodge utilities including water, wastewater, electrical, and HVAC systems, security improvements, and renovation of the visitor center, restrooms, and garbage enclosure area. Multnomah Falls Lodge is the most popular recreation site in the Pacific Northwest. | OR - MULTNOMAH | 3RD OREGON |
COLVILLE NATIONAL FOREST | INTERNATIONAL SELKIRK LOOP RECREATION AREA ACCESSIBILITY AND AMENITY IMPROVEMENTS PHASE ONE | This project bundles multiple recreation and visitor services needs including site rehabilitation, improved site accessibility, dock replacement, toilet refurbishment, etc. Specific project work includes replacement of picnic shelters, amenity improvements to lookout and cabin, water system design and replacements, recreation site road and access road rehabilitation, and realignment of the recreation and administrative sites to meet public demand. | WA - PEND OREILLE, WA - STEVENS | 5TH WASHINGTON |
COLVILLE NATIONAL FOREST | INTERNATIONAL SELKIRK LOOP TRAIL RESTORATION | This project consists of trail restoration, minor reroutes, culvert replacement, and puncheon, turnpike, and trail bridge reconstruction on trails on the forest. Work primarily takes place along the International Selkirk Loop. | OR - BAKER, WA - PEND OREILLE, WA - STEVENS | 2ND OREGON, 5TH WASHINGTON |
DESCHUTES NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE TRAIL BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION | This project replaces multiple trail bridges on the forest. The Deschutes National Forest is known for outstanding recreational opportunities, and its trails system is one of the primary attractions. This project replaces failed or failing trail bridges that provide critical infrastructure and trail connectivity for some of the most popular forest trails. | OR - DESCHUTES, OR - JEFFERSON, OR - KLAMATH | 2ND OREGON, 5TH OREGON |
FREMONT-WINEMA NATIONAL FOREST | ASPEN POINT CAMPGROUND RESTROOM REPLACEMENTS | This project replaces six restrooms at the Aspen Point campground. Project work includes installation of a new wastewater system that includes septic tanks, lift stations, gravity and pressure lines, an advanced treatment system, and leach field. Additional work includes removal of the existing septic systems at two sites and connection to the new collection system. | OR - KLAMATH | 2ND OREGON |
GIFFORD PINCHOT NATIONAL FOREST | CRITICAL UPGRADES TO JOHNSTON RIDGE OBSERVATORY, MOUNT SAINT HELENS NATIONAL VOLCANIC MONUMENT | This project addresses outstanding maintenance needs with work that includes fire system repairs, energy conservation upgrades and repairs to the theater. This project will improve the visitor experience while reducing deferred maintenance and restoring the visitor center for the mission of educating the public. | WA - SKAMANIA | 3RD WASHINGTON |
GIFFORD PINCHOT NATIONAL FOREST | HIGH PRIORITY SAFETY AND RECREATION ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS | This project repairs road failures. The majority of issues are subgrade failures. This project improves visitor access, visitor experience and improve critical health and safety issues. | WA - LEWIS, WA - SKAMANIA | 4TH WASHINGTON |
GIFFORD PINCHOT NATIONAL FOREST | ROAD 25 HUFFAKER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT | This project replaces the Huffaker Bridge, a major bridge on Forest Road 25 that allows visitors to experience some of the best scenery on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. | WA - LEWIS, WA - SKAMANIA | 3RD WASHINGTON |
MT BAKER-SNOQUALMIE NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST RESIDENCES ROOF REPLACEMENT | This project replaces 20-year-old roofs at multiple housing facilities across three ranger districts. The buildings include housing units and garages. | WA - CHELAN, WA - KING, WA - SNOHOMISH | 2ND WASHINGTON, 4TH WASHINGTON, 8TH WASHINGTON |
MT BAKER-SNOQUALMIE NATIONAL FOREST | HEATHER MEADOWS TRAILS AND RECREATION SITE DEFERRED MAINTENANCE AND DAM REHABILITATION | This project completes deferred maintenance and reconstruction on hiking trails and make improvements to provide universal access at interpretive sites, picnic areas, and viewpoints. Bagley Dam will be decommissioned, and the stream channel restored to natural conditions; a trail bridge will be constructed to maintain trail connectivity. | WA - WHATCOM | 1ST WASHINGTON, 2ND WASHINGTON |
MT BAKER-SNOQUALMIE NATIONAL FOREST | MOUNTAIN LOOP HIGHWAY ROAD, TRAIL, AND BRIDGES DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This multi-year landscape enhancement project addresses critical road and bridge repair and replacements to support scheduled timber sales, completion of deferred trail maintenance, trail reconstruction and trail bridge repairs, as well as a trailhead expansion at Heather Lake Trailhead. The project includes improvements to Aquatic Organism Passages. | WA - SNOHOMISH | 1ST WASHINGTON, 2ND WASHINGTON |
MT BAKER-SNOQUALMIE NATIONAL FOREST | PACIFIC CREST TRAIL ACCESS ROADS, BRIDGES, AND TRAILS DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | The project completes maintenance on multiple roads. The project includes relocation of the Milk Creek Trail and replacement of the Milk Creek Trail bridge, which will restore access to the Pacific Crest Trail. Trail rehabilitation will also be completed in the Downey Creek fire area. | WA - SKAGIT, WA - SNOHOMISH | 1ST WASHINGTON, 2ND WASHINGTON, 8TH WASHINGTON |
MT HOOD NATIONAL FOREST | ZIGZAG HOUSING IMPROVEMENT | This project develops a 20-bed bunkhouse near the Zigzag District Office to accommodate seasonal employees working on priority landscapes. The existing barracks at Summit Compound are deteriorated beyond repair and cannot safely house employees any longer. | OR - CLACKAMAS | 2ND OREGON, 3RD OREGON, 5TH OREGON |
OKANOGAN-WENATCHEE NATIONAL FOREST | SELKIRKS TO SURF: NORTH CASCADES RECREATION SCENIC CORRIDOR | This project makes improvements to trails, bridges, campgrounds, and scenic viewpoints across the North Cascades Recreation Scenic Corridor. | WA - CHELAN, WA - OKANOGAN, WA - WHATCOM | 2ND WASHINGTON, 4TH WASHINGTON, 5TH WASHINGTON, 8TH WASHINGTON |
R6, PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION | AQUATIC ORGANISM PASSAGE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION | This project upgrades and implements new aquatic organism passages on several priority road-stream crossings that will impact local fish and wildlife populations to safely move throughout the forest. | OR - BAKER, OR - GRANT, OR - JOSEPHINE, OR - UMATILLA, OR - UNION, WA - KITTITAS, WA - YAKIMA | 2ND OREGON, 4TH OREGON, 8TH WASHINGTON |
R6, PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION | DEFERRED MAINTENANCE ON 1500 MILES OF PRIORITY TRAILS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST | This project reduces trail deferred maintenance with work that includes installation and repair of trail structures and signage and reconstruction of tread. There is a significant backlog of maintenance across the trails in the Pacific Northwest Region. | ID - ADAMS, OR - BAKER, OR - UNION, OR - WALLOWA, WA - CHELAN, WA - OKANOGAN, WA - WHATCOM | 1ST IDAHO, 1ST WASHINGTON, 2ND OREGON, 4TH WASHINGTON, 5TH WASHINGTON, 8TH WASHINGTON |
R6, PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION | HIGH PRIORITY RECREATION SITE DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project addresses maintenance deficiencies within our most important developed recreation sites and settings. Project work includes, but is not limited to, sign and kiosk repair, accessibility improvements, painting, picnic table and fire ring installation. Deferred maintenance activities are prioritized within recreation areas and corridors that increase the impact of investments and model shared stewardship. | OR - BAKER, OR - CROOK, OR - DESCHUTES, OR - GRANT, OR - JEFFERSON, OR - KLAMATH, OR - LAKE, OR - LANE, OR - LINCOLN, OR - LINN, OR - MARION, OR - MULTNOMAH, OR - WALLOWA, WA - COLUMBIA, WA - GRAYS HARBOR, WA - LEWIS, WA - PEND OREILLE, WA - STEVENS, WA - YAKIMA | 2ND OREGON, 2ND WASHINGTON, 3RD OREGON, 3RD WASHINGTON, 4TH OREGON, 4TH WASHINGTON, 5TH OREGON, 5TH WASHINGTON, 6TH WASHINGTON |
R6, PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION | REGIONAL TRAIL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project repairs and replaces approximately 40 trail bridges across multiple areas in the Pacific Northwest, with a specific focus on bridges with high levels of visitor use for both motorized and non-motorized users. | OR - BAKER, OR - CURRY, OR - DESCHUTES, OR - GRANT, OR - HOOD RIVER, OR - JEFFERSON, OR - JOSEPHINE, OR - KLAMATH, OR - LAKE, OR - LANE, OR - MARION, OR - WALLOWA, WA - CLALLAM, WA - FERRY, WA - JEFFERSON, WA - KING, WA - PEND OREILLE, WA - PIERCE, WA - STEVENS | 2ND OREGON, 3RD OREGON, 4TH OREGON, 5TH OREGON, 5TH WASHINGTON, 6TH WASHINGTON, 8TH WASHINGTON |
UMPQUA NATIONAL FOREST | SOUTH UMPQUA TRANSPORTATION REMEDIATION AND WATERSHED IMPROVEMENT TO AID IN CRITICAL ACCESS AND AQUATIC ORGANISM PASSAGE | This project replaces critical infrastructure to provide access for recreation visitors and natural resource management across the forest. These routes provide the only road access to cultural sites for tribes and the public. This project will eliminate deferred maintenance and improve access and safety on roads that will likely soon need to be closed if not repaired. | OR - DOUGLAS | 4TH OREGON |
WALLOWA WHITMAN NATIONAL FOREST | RIGGINS RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PADS AND OFFICE PLUMBING | This project adds new recreational vehicle parking sites and make improvements to water, sewer, and power utilities in the Riggins Office Building. This office experiences freezing water pipes in the winter so new water distribution pipes will be installed to address this issue. | ID - IDAHO | 1ST IDAHO |
WALLOWA WHITMAN NATIONAL FOREST | SCENIC BYWAY ROAD PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE AND CHIP SEAL | This project entails patch and chip sealing major paved roads on the forest. These roads impact Baker City, Granite and La Grande, and are known as the Elkhorn Scenic Byway. | OR - BAKER, OR - GRANT, OR - UNION | 2ND OREGON |
WILLAMETTE NATIONAL FOREST | TRAIL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT | This project involves the replacement of several bridges along high-use, high-priority trails that have either failed or are nearing failure. The bridges provide critical linkages and resource protection along popular trails. | OR - JEFFERSON, OR - LANE, OR - LINN, OR - MARION | 4TH OREGON, 5TH OREGON |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
FRANCIS MARION-SUMTER NATIONAL FORESTS | BUCKHALL RECREATION AREA RECONSTRUCTION | This project renovates and improves the Buckhall Recreation Area. Project work includes upgrading toilet facilities, picnic shelters, camping sites, and day-use parking. The project also reinforces the seawall to address frequent storm impacts and climate change. | SC - CHARLESTON | 1ST SOUTH CAROLINA |
FRANCIS MARION-SUMTER NATIONAL FORESTS | PALMETTO TRAIL ENOREE PASSAGE REHABILITATION | This project replaces boardwalk with more sustainable structures along the Enoree Passage. The Enoree Passage of the mountains to the sea Palmetto Trail is maintained through an agreement with the Palmetto Conservation Corps. Despite the strong partnership, there are several structures that need replaced to make the facility sustainable. | SC - LAURENS, SC - NEWBERRY, SC - UNION | 5TH SOUTH CAROLINA |
GEORGE WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON NATIONAL FORESTS | BOLAR MOUNTAIN WASTEWATER SYSTEM REPLACEMENT | This project replaces a 40-year-old wastewater treatment plant serving multiple campgrounds in a high-use recreation complex. | VA - BATH | 6TH VIRGINIA |
GEORGE WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON NATIONAL FORESTS | VIRGINIA WATERFALL TRAILS RECONSTRUCTION AND REALIGNMENT | This project addresses needed repairs on multiple popular trails. Facilities include trail bridges, handrails, stairs, safety and educational signing, barriers and fencing, decommissioning, trail restoration, boardwalk, parking lot repairs, and overlook reconstruction. | VA - BOTETOURT, VA - GILES, VA - NELSON, VA - SCOTT | 5TH VIRGINIA, 6TH VIRGINIA, 9TH VIRGINIA |
LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES NATIONAL RECREATION AREA | BRANDON SPRING HOUSING REPLACEMENT | This project replaces employee housing at Brandon Spring because the existing facility is uninhabitable due to water damage. Additionally, this project replaces the lagoon that treats wastewater from the housing facility, group camp, and adjacent recreation sites. These improvements are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | KY - TRIGG, TN - STEWART | 1ST KENTUCKY, 7TH TENNESSEE |
NATIONAL FORESTS IN FLORIDA | NEW OSCEOLA OFFICE SITE | The project renovates buildings, which contain asbestos and extensive mold and improve the roof and ventilation systems that are beyond their useful life. The administrative offices and work center complex need to be replaced to provide a safe and efficient workplace for employees and lower lifecycle building maintenance costs. The new administrative office and associated buildings will be located on a new site. | FL - BAKER | 2ND FLORIDA, 4TH FLORIDA, 5TH FLORIDA, 6TH FLORIDA |
OZARK-ST FRANCIS NATIONAL FOREST | DEER WORK CENTER BUILDING RENOVATION | This project renovates the existing office building and garage at the Deer Work Center on the Big Piney Ranger District to accommodate additional permanent District employees working in fire, timber, and law enforcement. This building's renovation will result in the elimination of a leased facility resulting in cost savings for the Forest Service. | AR - NEWTON | 3RD ARKANSAS, 4TH ARKANSAS |
OZARK-ST FRANCIS NATIONAL FOREST | SHORES LAKE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION | This project improves and upgrades approximately ten miles of road reconstruction on Shores Lake Road. | AR - FRANKLIN | 4TH ARKANSAS |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
ALLEGHENY NATIONAL FOREST | LOLETA RECREATION REHABILITATION | This project addresses deferred maintenance at Loleta Recreation Area. Activities include repair of restroom buildings roofs and the water system. | PA - ELK, PA - FOREST | 15TH PENNSYLVANIA |
ALLEGHENY NATIONAL FOREST | LONGHOUSE SCENIC DRIVE AND JAKES ROCK ROAD AND CULVERT REPAIR | This project targets the replacement of culverts and improving drainage on Longhouse Scenic Drive and Jakes Rocks Roads. This is a multi-year project that will include design and construction. | PA - WARREN | 5TH PENNSYLVANIA |
CHEQUAMEGON-NICOLET NATIONAL FOREST | CHEQUAMEGON-NICOLET PUBLIC FISHING ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS - PINE LAKE, LAKEVIEW, NAMAKAGON, DAY LAKE, AND CHIPPEWA | This project replaces fishing piers with permanent, accessible floating or permanent docks designed specifically for fishing, including piers at Pine Lake, Mondeaux, Namakagon, Day Lake, and Chippewa. | WI - ASHLAND, WI - BAYFIELD, WI - FOREST, WI - TAYLOR | 7TH WISCONSIN |
CHEQUAMEGON-NICOLET NATIONAL FOREST | CHEQUAMEGON-NICOLET SAINT PETER'S DOME TRAIL REHABILITATION | This project reconstructs sections of the St. Peter's Dome Trail, one of the most popular and most heavily used walking trails on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, to improve trail resiliency, reduce environmental degradation, and reduce long-term deferred maintenance. | WI - ASHLAND | 7TH WISCONSIN |
CHEQUAMEGON-NICOLET NATIONAL FOREST | EAGLE RIVER BUNKHOUSE AND RESIDENCE REHABILITATION | This project rehabilitates the Eagle River bunkhouse and residence. Project work includes exterior repairs, interior repairs, updated electrical, and accessibility improvements. These quarters provide essential employee housing adjacent to the district office. | WI - VILAS | 7TH WISCONSIN |
CHEQUAMEGON-NICOLET NATIONAL FOREST | KEYES LAKE BUNKHOUSE RECONSTRUCTION | This project rehabilitates the Keyes Lake bunkhouse and garage. Project work includes a new roof, siding, insulation, and windows. Interior improvements include new walls, flooring, electrical, plumbing and fixtures, water heater, furnace, and accessibility features. These improvements are critical for recruiting staff due to housing shortages and costs. | WI - FLORENCE | 7TH WISCONSIN |
CHIPPEWA NATIONAL FOREST | CAMP RABIDEAU UPGRADE AND MAINTENANCE | The project includes repainting and completing minor repairs at the buildings, repairing the picnic shelter, and addressing safety issues. Camp Rabideau is a National Historic Landmark and one of the most complete Civilian Conservation Corps camps extant in the United States. | MN - BELTRAMI | 8TH MINNESOTA |
CHIPPEWA NATIONAL FOREST | STONY POINT CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENTS | The project includes providing upgraded electrical infrastructure, replacing signs and fee boards, improving the water supply system, and assessing the outdated sanitation system to the Stony Point Campground. | MN - CASS | 8TH MINNESOTA |
GREEN MOUNTAIN AND FINGER LAKES NATIONAL FORESTS | APPALACHIAN NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL AND LONG TRAIL SHELTER AND PRIVY IMPROVEMENTS | This project repairs or replaces multiple shelters and privies on the Appalachian Trail and Long Trail. This project addresses health and safety concerns associated with dilapidated infrastructure, soil and water resource impacts from outdated privies, and impediments prohibiting universal access. | VT - ADDISON, VT - BENNINGTON, VT - RUTLAND, VT - WINDSOR | 1ST VERMONT |
GREEN MOUNTAIN AND FINGER LAKES NATIONAL FORESTS | FOREST-WIDE ROAD BRIDGE DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project addresses deferred maintenance and structural deficiencies on several road bridges, which are also part of the snowmobile trails in the winter, on main access Forest Service Roads 73, 264, 278 and 279. | VT - BENNINGTON, VT - RUTLAND | 1ST VERMONT |
GREEN MOUNTAIN AND FINGER LAKES NATIONAL FORESTS | GREEN MOUNTAIN TRAIL BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS | This multi-year project replaces or repairs structurally deficient bridges that are essential for maintaining public safety and reducing stream sedimentation. This project improves the user experience for bridges located on the Appalachian Trail, Long Trail, Vermont snowmobile trail network and Vermont mountain bike system. This project improves fish passage by removing stream barriers narrowing stream channels. | VT - ADDISON, VT - BENNINGTON, VT - RUTLAND, VT - WINDHAM, VT - WINDSOR | 1ST VERMONT |
GREEN MOUNTAIN AND FINGER LAKES NATIONAL FORESTS | HAPGOOD POND DAY USE SITE IMPROVEMENT | This project addresses deferred maintenance at the Hapgood Pond Day Use Site including improving energy and water efficiency at the bathhouse, trail work, stone step replacement, and placement of vehicle barrier bollards at the entrance to preserve defined historic features. | VT - BENNINGTON | 1ST VERMONT |
HIAWATHA NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST ROAD 3458-1.4, CARP RIVER AND FOREST ROAD 2251-6.2, NORTH BRANCH STUTTS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS | This project replaces 68-year-old timber and concrete bridges at Carp River and the north branch of Stutts Creek. Once completed, this project will allow unrestricted use of the bridges. | MI - ALGER, MI - MACKINAC, MI - SCHOOLCRAFT | 1ST MICHIGAN |
HIAWATHA NATIONAL FOREST | GRAND ISLAND NATIONAL RECREATION AREA REHABILITATION | These projects include trail bridge replacement, beach access facilities, facility renovation of the water system, kiosks, and erosion control. | MI - ALGER | 11TH MICHIGAN, 1ST MICHIGAN |
HIAWATHA NATIONAL FOREST | HIAWATHA HISTORIC LIGHTHOUSES: STABILIZATION AND REHABILITATION | This project repairs Hiawatha National Forest historic lighthouses that include stabilizing and restoring the structural and historic integrity of walls and stairs to ensure safe visitor access. | MI - ALGER, MI - CHIPPEWA, MI - MACKINAC | 1ST MICHIGAN |
HOOSIER NATIONAL FOREST | HOOSIER HARDIN RIDGE SHOWER-BATH-CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENT | This project replaces multiple toilet and shower buildings at the campground. | IN - MONROE | 9TH INDIANA |
HURON MANISTEE NATIONAL FOREST | PERE MARQUETTE WILD AND SCENIC RIVER GREEN COTTAGE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves the boat slide and walk-in access to the Green Cottage Access point on the Pere Marquette Wild and Scenic River, a regional iconic site. This project includes replacement of the existing boat slide, boardwalk, and stairs, as well as other minor site improvements including signage upgrades, vault toilet, new fee tube and information board, picnic tables, benches, fencing, gates, and animal resistant trash cans. | MI - LAKE | 2ND MICHIGAN |
MONONGAHELA NATIONAL FOREST | HOLCOMB BRIDGE REPLACEMENT | This project addresses deferred maintenance and structural deficiencies on the Holcomb Bridge. | WV - WEBSTER | 3RD WEST VIRGINIA |
OTTAWA NATIONAL FOREST | NESBIT ROAD REHABILITATION | This project addresses deferred road maintenance. Work includes replacing aggregate to re-establish the crown, multiple culverts replacements, and improving drainage. | MI - BARAGA, MI - GOGEBIC, MI - HOUGHTON, MI - IRON | 1ST MICHIGAN |
SHAWNEE NATIONAL FOREST | LAKE GLENDALE PHASED REHABILITATION PROJECT | This project addresses significant age-related deterioration of facilities at the Lake Glendale Recreation Area. Work includes replacing the electric line serving the entire site, replacing toilet buildings, shower buildings, beach house, picnic shelters, and campsite features. Also included is work on the dam, roads, and trail. | IL - POPE | 15TH ILLINOIS, 19TH ILLINOIS |
WHITE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL FOREST | AMMONOOSUC RAVINE TRAIL MAINTENANCE AND RECONSTRUCTION | This project addresses deferred maintenance on several miles and sections of the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail. | NH - COOS | 2ND NEW HAMPSHIRE |
WHITE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL FOREST | RUMNEY ROCKS CLIMBING AREA TRAILS IMPROVEMENTS | This project reduces deferred maintenance on high use trails and staging areas while protecting those areas outside the trail system at the internationally popular Rumney Rocks Climbing Area. | NH - GRAFTON | 2ND NEW HAMPSHIRE |
Forest or Station | Project Name | Summary | State - County | Congressional District |
CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST | ALAGANIK SLOUGH RECREATION SITE RENOVATION | This project improves visitor experience by reconstructing hardened day use pads, renovating pads with covered structures, replacing the existing vault toilet, and completing deferred maintenance on a viewing platform at the end of an elevated boardwalk. | AK - CHUGACH ALASKA CORPORATION, AK - UNORGANIZED BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST | CENTER RIDGE TRAILHEAD RECONSTRUCTION | This project improves the Center Ridge Trail, a popular Turnagain Pass area of the Kenai Peninsula. Current high use levels have resulted in water infiltration issues that exceed design and requires pumping twice per year. To mitigate water infiltration issues and provide better service to trail users, the Center Ridge Trailhead outhouses will be relocated further away from the parking lot and closer to the trailhead. | AK - KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST | FOREST-WIDE CABIN DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project addresses maintenance concerns at many of the forest 's public use cabin. The work improves visitor experience, reduces annual maintenance, improves user health and safety concerns, and encourages continued use by public. The Chugach National Forest maintains many remote cabins that provide the public with recreational opportunities for diverse user groups including the disabled. | AK - ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY, AK - CHUGACH ALASKA CORPORATION, AK - KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST | IDITAROD NATIONAL HISTORIC TRAIL MASTER DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROJECT | This project addresses deferred maintenance on portions of the existing trail and bridges on the Iditarod National Historic Trail Southern Trek. This is an immensely popular trail seeing hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. The trails are popular for hikers, bikers, backpackers, runners, fishermen, hunters, subsistence gathering as well as winter activities including skiing, snowshoeing, fat biking and snowmachining. | AK - KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH, AK - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, AK - UNORGANIZED BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST | PORTAGE VALLEY CORRIDOR RECREATION SITE AND INTERPRETIVE SIGN REPLACEMENT PROJECT | This project installs directional signs, recreation site identification signs, highway entrance signs, and interpretive signs at kiosks across the Portage Valley Corridor recreation area. New signage improves visitor safety and experience in this popular and beloved recreation area, containing two campgrounds, several day-use sites, and multiple trail access points for the Iditarod National Historic Trail. | AK - ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY, AK - KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST | RECREATION TOILET REPLACEMENT | This project replaces multiple outhouses. Heavy rainfall, snow melt, improper placement, and poor grade of surrounding areas causes excess water to infiltrate the pits. There has also been snow-plow damage and vandalism. The project fixes multiple outhouses at various locations with maintenance needs such as: replacing access hatches; replacing miscellaneous parts; climate and weather renovations; establishing proper grading for drainage; relocation; and replacement. | AK - ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY, AK - CHUGACH ALASKA CORPORATION, AK - KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST | TRAIL OF BLUE ICE/BLACK BEAR CAMPGROUND FLOOD REPAIR | This project installs approximately 600 feet of elevated boardwalk and raise four impact campsites 14 inches above their current elevation due to previous flood damage and deterioration. Floodplain connectivity will be maintained while also addressing recreation site damage. The Trail of Blue Ice is a handicap accessible trail that runs behind Black Bear Campground and adjacent to Williwaw Creek in the heavily visited Portage Valley area. | AK - ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | ANAN WILDLIFE OBSERVATORY | The project eliminates deferred maintenance and will reduce long-term maintenance costs. The project provides safe, high-quality wildlife viewing for locals and guided visitors. Anan is an economic driver for Wrangell community. | AK - WRANGELL CITY AND BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | DUDE MOUNTAIN TRAIL RECONSTRUCTION | The project renovates the beginning of the trail, replacing boardwalk with gravel where possible. The project reroutes the last part of trail, installs appropriate tread, and conducts extensive rock work to control water drainage issues. | AK - KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | EL CAP RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENTS | This project reconstructs substandard boat launches and campsites, establishes a new trailhead and trail to the cave, establishes a multi-use area for outfitters and day use, constructs vault toilets, and improves crew housing. El Cap cave, the largest cave in Alaska, is a major destination for visitors. | AK - KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH, AK - PRINCE OF WALES-HYDER CENSUS AREA, AK - UNORGANIZED BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | MARGARET VIEWING SITE | The project replaces failing culverts along the road to the platform, toilets, and the failing observation platform. Work also includes repair of the administration cabin and installation of interpretive kiosks and panels. Salmon move upstream via a fish ladder here. Ten outfitter guides are permitted to the area. It is also an important area for subsistence use. | AK - KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | MENDENHALL GLACIER MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION: PARKING PLANNING PHASE | This project completes the parking and paving deferred maintenance identified in the master plan. The Mendenhall Area Master Plan is exploring changes and improvements to address increased use and improve visitor experience. The Master Plan identifies the parking area, plaza, welcome center, visitor center, trails, and other recreation assets as priorities. | AK - CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAU | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | MITKOF ISLAND TRAIL | This project replaces sections of Hill Lake that are slippery, unsafe, and outdated, as well as upgrades sections of Crane Lake trail from a step-and-run board to an aggregate walking surface. | AK - UNORGANIZED BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | NINE-MILE DOWNSTREAM TRAIL RECONSTRUCTION | This project realigns the trail and constructs boardwalks over roots. The trail was originally user-made, with many long, wet, and muddy sections. Current use is causing water channelization and significant resource damage. | AK - CITY AND BOROUGH OF YAKUTAT | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | PETERSBURG LAKE TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS | This project improves the Wilderness section of the trail to better assist recreationists in accessing the Petersburg Lake Cabin. The project addresses eroded and muddy spots, exposed roots, drainage, tread, brushing, and other backlogged maintenance. | AK - UNORGANIZED BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | RAINBOW FALLS TRAIL COMPLEX | This project improves sustainable trail routes designed for the Rainbow Falls area trails including Rainbow Falls, Institute Creek, North Wrangell Trails. | AK - UNORGANIZED BOROUGH, AK - WRANGELL CITY AND BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | SITUK RIVER CORRIDOR TRAILS ENHANCEMENT | This project addresses deteriorating sections of the Situk River trails caused by sheet flow damage as well as improve visitor experience and access to the river and public use cabins. These improvements benefit sport fishermen, outfitter guides, and subsistence users. | AK - CITY AND BOROUGH OF YAKUTAT | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | STARRIGAVAN RECREATION AREA DEFERRED MAINTENANCE | This project improves campground roads, convert culverts to bridges to allow fish passage, gate replacement, amphitheater conversion, site conversion, site decommissioning, and maintaining site kiosks and picnic tables. | AK - CITY AND BOROUGH OF SITKA | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | THORNE BAY COMPOUND WATER QUALITY MITIGATION | This project mitigates water quality issues in both administrative and residential structures on the Thorne Bay Ranger District by replacing the water lines and fixtures with non-leaching materials to make it safer to drink. The drinking water systems in many of these facilities have routinely tested above the Environmental Protection Agency's Action Level for lead and copper. | AK - PRINCE OF WALES-HYDER CENSUS AREA | 1ST ALASKA |
TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST | ZAREMBO ISLAND BOAT LAUNCH, SAINT JOHNS BRIDGE, ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AND AQUATIC ORGANISM PASSAGE STRUCTURES | This project reconstructs a 100-foot bridge on St John's Creek needed to retain stream course and address scour issues. Additionally, this project replaces multiple existing culverts with aquatic organism passageway structures. | AK - UNORGANIZED BOROUGH, AK - WRANGELL CITY AND BOROUGH | 1ST ALASKA |