Fire Management
Wildfire activity on the Siuslaw National Forest ranging from fire danger levels, public use restrictions, and official closures.
For state and BLM lands, view the Oregon Department of Forestry fire restrictions and closures.
Fire Danger Level
LOW for all areas
Updated Sept. 25, 2024
Click here for danger level descriptions by level (also known as Public Awareness Level)
Public Use Restrictions (Camping, smoking, etc.)
No public use restrictions in effect.
Updated Sept. 25, 2024
Fire Related Closures
There are currently no fire closures on the Siuslaw National Forest. Conditions may change quickly; visitors are encouraged to check current conditions and alerts prior to leaving home.
Updated Sept. 25, 2024
Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL)
Industrial Fire Precaution Levels (IFPLs) apply to permitted activities such as timber sales, service contracts, and firewood cutting. IFPL levels I – IV address the type and timing of work that can be done during fire season to reduce the risk of operations sparking a wildfire.
Click here for map of Oregon Department of Forestry IFPL zones and to see what level each zone is at (note, this information can change frequently throughout the summer).
Click here for description of what activities are restricted at each IFPL level
Inciweb ( provides information for wildland fire emergencies and prescribed fires, but can also be used for other natural disasters and emergency incidents such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Official announcements include evacuations, road closures, news releases, maps, photographs, and basic information and current situation about the incident.
Prescribed Fires
Prescribed fire is a planned fire. Sometimes called a “controlled burn” or “prescribed burn,” the Forest Service manages prescribed fires to benefit natural resources and reduce the risk of unwanted wildfires in the future…see our News & Events page for announcements about spring or fall prescribed fires.
Fire Management
Science has changed the way we think about wildland fire and the way we manage it. We still suppress fires, especially if they threaten people and communities, but we understand that fire has a role in nature – one that can lead to healthy ecosystems. So we look for ways to manage it to play its role, for instance, by igniting prescribed fires.
Fire Prevention How-Tos
While at home or on camping trips, follow these important safety tips.
Fire Science
The Forest Service conducts cutting-edge research and develops tools to help land managers better understand and manage fire. Our scientists study fire behavior and the effects of fire on ecosystems and society, as well as offer management options.
National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy
To address the challenges wildland fire management poses, the Forest Service and its other federal, tribal, state and local partners have developed and are implementing a National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy.
Forests and Rangelands
Forests and Rangelands provides fire, fuels, and land management information for government officials, land and wildland fire management professionals, businesses, communities, and interested organizations and individuals.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Firewise Communities Program encourages local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire.
Fire Management Positions
We are looking for a committed, hardworking, highly skilled workforce to suppress wildfires and work in fuels management on the Siuslaw National Forest. The fire and aviation management program is very rewarding and requires working safely as part of a team in a variety of specialized positions; including dispatch, engine crews, fuels technicians, handcrews, helitack, hotshot crews, smokejumpers, and prevention. Visit our employment page for more information.