Resource Management

Logging OPSThe Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest represents the “Best of Wisconsin's Northwoods. Formed by the receding glaciers of the past ice age, more than 1 million acres of temperate forests and barrens are interspersed with stream, rivers and lakes to provide a truly diverse landscape that has something for all. The Forest is managed with multiple uses in mind. The objective of this management is to continue restoration of the northern forests landscapes lost or damaged during the turn of the 20th century logging, while providing a wide array of uses and experiences to the public.

For instance, hunting opportunities for big game, upland game birds, waterfowl and small game exist across the entire Forest. Fishing for trout or other game fish is available in any of our 600 fishable lakes or 1,200 miles of fishable stream. Opportunities to encounter many rare species of fish, wildlife or plants abound. Bird watching, viewing fantastic fall colors and nature study experiences await those seeking to experience nature.

For those who enjoy camping and hiking experiences, visit one of our 51 campground or 800 miles of trail to hike and experience the north woods. For those that enjoy quiet places, the Forest contains 5 designated wilderness areas and several semi-primitive non-motorized areas. Motorized recreation is also available to the public with more than 900 miles of managed trail winding through the diverse landscape. All supports local tourism to the communities of the Northwoods.

Vegetation management is another multiple use facet that supports Wisconsin's North Woods. The Forest sustains a large vegetation management program to ensure the continued health and restoration of the Northwoods. From this, Wisconsin gains forest products that provide jobs that support local and state economies.

The Chequamegon-Nicolet is located in five units. These units are located across 11 northern counties. The Chequamegon portion contains large contiguous blocks of nation forest ownership, while the Nicolet is more interspersed with private ownership.

Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Timber Sale Program

The Forest sustains a large vegetation management (forestry) program to ensure the health and restoration of Wisconsin’s Northwoods. The CNNF is often one of the top timber-producing forests in the National Forest System. Approximately 120 million board feet of timber is sold annually. Of that volume, some 20 to 30 million board feet is sold through the Good Neighbor Authority agreement with the State of Wisconsin. This results in the annual harvest of approximately 11,000 to 12,000 acres. The harvest, transportation and processing of CNNF timber directly supports the more than 61,000 full- and part-time jobs within the forest products industry in the State of Wisconsin.

The Forest Service is strongly committed to the management of the National Forests in an environmentally sound manner. The agency's top priority is to maintain and improve the health, diversity, and productivity of forest ecosystems for the enjoyment of current and future generations. Forest management includes guidance, administration, and support of the agency's forest products management and sales programs.


Prior Year Bid Results



Good Neighbor Authority

The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest has entered into a Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) agreement with the State of Wisconsin DNR. Under the agreement the Wisconsin DNR is preparing, awarding and administering timber sales that already have all of the inventory and planning work completed on the National Forest. These timber sales will enable the Forest Service to increase the amount of timber offered for sale to more than 100 MMBF in fiscal year 2016.

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Timber Sales

Currently Advertised Remarks

Hodag Stewardship Contract

The Forest Service will be accepting sealed bids at the Great Divide Ranger District, Hayward Office, 11:00 AM local time on April 16th, 2025.

Elk Tooth Sale

On 03/04/2025, at 02:00 PM, sealed bids will be opened in the Medford-Park Falls Ranger District.

Swanson Creek Sale

The Forest Service will receive Sealed bids at Hayward Office before or at the time of public bid opening at 11:00 AM local time on 02/18/2025.

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