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Hunting Rules and Regulations, Permits, Dates:
Louisiana is not called "Sportsman's Paradise" for nothing! Some of the best hunting and fishing may be found on the Kisatchie National Forest. Hunters are expected to follow the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries hunting regulations and guidelines.
- For information on hunting seasons, licenses, permits and other details, please visit the LA Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
- For a quick guide to the dates for the various seasons on the Kisatchie, please download this handy one-page document.
- If you wish to hunt in one of two National Wildlife Management Preserves (NWMP) on the Kisatchie National Forest, you will need a season permit. Please print and sign this permit and keep with you at all times when you are in the NWMP.
- Corney Lake duck blind tags may be obtained for FREE at the District Office, beginning July 17, 2024. Duck blind tags are available one per household. Individuals will be allowed to place duck blinds on Corney Lake beginning at 8:00 a.m. on August 24, 2024. For more information, please call John Wilcox at the Caney Ranger District at 318-927-2061 or 318-771-1247. 2024 News Release
- Hunters are also expected to follow all other Forest rules and regulations, observing authorized roads and trails and designated recreation areas. Click here for the most current motor vehicle use maps, as well as maps to each District (which may be found in the right hand column under 'Brochures & Maps.')
When on Forest Service land remember that:
- All firearms and bows with arrows should be cased and unloaded while in a recreation area or other public areas.
- Discharging a firearm (including a bow and arrow) is prohibited in or within 150 yards of a developed recreation site, a residence, or any place where people are likely to be.
- Shooting across bodies of water or a Forest Service road is prohibited.
- Shooting into or within any cave, mine or open shaft is prohibited.
- Private land is interspersed with public land and you must obtain written permission from the private landowner to hunt on their property. Obtain a map and use caution to ensure you don't inadvertently stray off public land onto private.
- Only portable stands or blinds are allowed. Check with your local ranger district for restrictions and time limits.
Remember: You are responsible for the safety of yourself and for those around you.