OHV Riding & Camping
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The Siuslaw National Forest is home to two popular Off- Highway Vehicle Riding areas: Sand Lake Recreation Area and the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. Both the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area and Sand Lake Recreation Area have campgrounds and staging areas especially well suited for OHV use.
Where can I ride?
About half of the area that comprises the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area and all of the Sand Lake Recreation Area are open to motorized vehicles. However, it is just as important to know where you can't ride . Please refer to the maps in each section for riding area information. Also, be sure to check our Motor Vehicle Use Map to see where you can drive motorized vehicles, including OHVs in the forest.
OHV Rules of the Road
OHVs are a great way to combine America’s love of motor vehicles with the love of the outdoors. To make your time in the outdoors safe as well as entertaining, you need to know the laws governing OHV use on public land. The cornerstone of any outdoor recreation activity is respect: respect for yourself; respect for others and respect for the environment. When traveling on the Siuslaw National Forest, it is the operator’s responsibility to use a current Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) that shows the National Forest System roads, trails, and the areas designated for motor vehicle use. By your participation, you voluntarily assume full responsibility for damages, risks, and dangers. See all OHV rules for riding.
OHV Rentals & Tours
There are private businesses that offer OHV rentals or guided tours near the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. Tours are operated under permit with the Siuslaw National Forest.
Alerts & Warnings
- John Dellenback Trailhead Closed
- Temporary Fire Restrictions
- Tahkenitch Boat Ramp Closed for Repairs
- Use northern route to access Drift Creek Falls
- Potential high water at Old Bark Sand Camping
- Beach restrictions in effect March 15 - Sept. 15 to protect nesting birds
- Sweet Creek Falls Homestead Trail bridge failure
- Intermittent forest road work and delays north of Hebo
- Forest Road 789 - Poor Condition