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Locatable Minerals

Minerals and Geology Management logo.Mining in National Forests

Mining in National Forests: Paper that gives background information on the Forest Service's mining policy.

Notice of Intent Instructions: Information to determine if the level of proposed disturbance for a mining operation will require a Plan of Operations and a detailed environmental analysis.

Plan of Operations Form (FS-2800-5): Form for conducting mining operations under the general mining laws in national forests.

Training Guide for Reclamation Bond Estimation and Administration: Requirements for reclamation and bonding for mineral operations on National Forest System lands.


Policies and Regulations

36 CFR 228 Subpart A: Forest Service regulations for locatable minerals operations and surface management.

Current Revisions to Locatable Minerals Regulations (36 CFR 228 Subpart A)


Links of Interest

Prospecting for Gold: Link to United States Geologic Survey Paper on Gold Prospecting in the US.

Lolo National Forest: Gold Panning and Mineral Collecting