Fire Management

Our mission is

to provide safe, efficient and economical fire management while sustaining, protecting and restoring ecosystems.

Operating Principles:

  • Apply the best science in efforts to restore and maintain healthy fire dependent ecosystems
  • Plan and execute FAM operations in a safe, effective and cost efficient manner
  • Actively participate and provide leadership supporting all elements of the Forest Service mission
  • Provide leadership in developing interagency cooperation and partnerships
  • Provide leadership in conservation education
  • Ensure a professional, diverse and motivated workforce that is able to adapt and derive benefit during times of change
  • Proudly serve the nation as Forest Service employees

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Only You Can Prevent Wildfires

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Fire Hire


Being Ready—Wildfire Preparedness

It takes the combination of both Defensible space and the hardening of your home to really give your house the best chance of surviving a wildfire.

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One Less Spark—One Less Wildfire

One Less Spark—One Less Wildfire

Whether it's ensuring a campfire or landscape debris burn of leaves and branches is completely extinguished, or keeping a vehicle well maintained to prevent sparks, following just a few simple steps can help prevent wildfires.

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