Passes & Permits
Recreation Passes & Permits
The Interagency Passes are honored nationwide at all Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Fish & Wildlife Service sites charging entrance or standard amenity fees.
Forest Product Permits
Collecting products on National Forest System lands for commercial and private use requires a Forest Product Permit. Commonly requested permits are for fuelwood, Christmas Trees and mushrooms.
Campfire Permits
Campfire Permits are required for the use of campfires, charcoal fires or portable gas stoves outside a designated recreation sites. These are free and are available at all Forest Service, BLM, or CAL FIRE offices, or online at Check for fire restrictions before you go.
Special Use Permits
A special-use authorization is a legal document such as a permit, term permit, lease, or easement, which allows occupancy, use, rights, or privileges on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. The authorization is granted for a specific use of the land for a specific period of time.
Wilderness Permits
The Shasta-Trinity National Forest is home to five different wilderness areas. Two of these require wilderness permits and all of them require a California Campfire Permit for use of stoves. Campfires are only allowed in some areas and campfire restrictions may be in place during summer/fall months in all areas.
Christmas Tree Permits
Christmas Tree Permit Information
Fuelwood Permit Information
Cutting fuelwood for personal use is allowed with a permit. Here are a few other things you should know about obtaining a permit and cutting fuelwood.
Forest Products Permits
The taking or removal of forest products may require a permit and/or the payment of a minimal fee.
Mushroom Permits
Mushrooms are among many "special forest products." To ensure a continuing supply of special forest products, the Forest Service works to create uniform harvesting regulations.