Hope Mine Project
Hope Mine Project - Aspen Ranger District, White River National Forest
The following photos show the restoration of barren waste rock piles at the Hope Mine project, Aspen Ranger District, White River National Forest. The rock piles are perched above Castle Creek, one of Aspen's main municipal water sources. The project was conducted as a partnership using Biochar Solutions, Inc. Different rates of compost and bio-char were applied with a conveyer to create 'topsoil' on the slopes. The before and after shots, and the time lapsed photos from the 2011 growing season, demonstrate the efficacy of the soil amendment. The role of compost in this amendment (up to 95% by volume) was critical, as it served to reduce material costs, facilitate material handling, and provide a source of nitrogen and beneficial microorganisms.
June 30, 2011. Slope vegitation at 30% cover.
July 5, 2011. Slope vegitation at 45% cover.
July 20, 2011. Slope vegitation at 90% cover.
August 1, 2011. Slope vegitation at 100% cover.