Threatened, Endangered & Sensitive Species
The Oregon Silverspot: the Flight to Recovery from the Siuslaw National Forest on YouTube.
Endangered species on National Forest System lands are managed under the National Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species (TES) program, in coordination with Regional Offices, national forests and our partners.
The TES program assists field biologist, other staff personnel and line officers in attaining the Chief’s priorities and managing TES resources from a healthy ecosystem perspective. This includes recovery of threatened and endangered species and their habitats, conservation of sensitive species and their habitats, and providing for the diversity of plant and animal communities on National Forest System lands.
Program Initiative examples include: Every Species Counts!, Carnivore Conservation, Great Plains TES Program, and Bats: Masters of the Night Sky. Initiatives are special emphasis activities done through a variety of habitat improvement, monitoring, analysis, conservation planning and coordination with other resources. The intent of TES initiatives is to help the Forest Service and our partners accomplish specific recovery and conservation objectives for TS species and their habitats.
The TES program includes management done for all threatened, endangered and designated sensitive species on National Forest System lands. Because TES species habitats are important for other species as well, close coordination is done with the Botany and Rare Plants, Fisheries and Wildlife programs, as well as with other Forest Service resource management programs.
TES Items of Interest:
TES Training:
USFS BPR Continuing Education for Resource Professionals site for training opportunities.
Related Initiatives & Partnerships:
Carnivore Conservation
Related Content:
US-FWS Endangered Species
Contact Us:
Regional TES sites: