Budget Myth vs. Fact: Organizational services and support/cost pools

We are providing information about the implementation of our new agency budget structure through myth-busting and sharing facts that help us all learn together.
Myth #10: All items previously funded by cost pools are now funded by Organizational Services and Support, FSOS, budget line item.
Fact #10: Congress eliminated cost pools in the new budget structure to create more transparency to how we spend our money. Items previously funded by cost pools have shifted to other budget line items according to the cost category. For example,
- information technology, as defined by the department (internal link), is now funded by Information Technology, FSIT
- leases and owned facility maintenance are funded by Facility Maintenance and Leases, FSLM,
- salaries and expenses, S&E, are funded by the appropriate S&E budget line item associated with an employee’s position
- other items that can be tied to a specific program are funded by the appropriate program funding
The Organizational Services and Support, FSOS, budget line item should fund general business services, administrative functions, utilities and agency-owned multi-use building operations. For example, janitorial services for an owned district office are funded by FSOS. See the Facility Program Definitions (internal link) page for additional information on the difference between facility maintenance, operations and capital improvement.
For more detailed information about current budget operations and FAQs, you can visit FY2021 Appropriated Budget Structure (internal site) or contact your local budget officer.
Budget Myth vs. Fact: Funding safety supplies