Budget Myth vs. Fact: Salaries and expenses
We are providing information about the implementation of our new agency budget structure through myth-busting and sharing facts that help us all learn together. Today is about salaries and expenses. Check back in the coming weeks for another Budget Myth vs. Fact.
Myth #1: All salary and expenses for our workforce are covered by annual appropriations from Congress and are charged to the salary and expenses line item under the new budget structure.
Fact #1: The new budget structure was never designed or intended to cover 100% of our workforce salary and expenses. Roughly 82% of Forest Service salaries and expenses are appropriated by Congress.
Historically, units always relied on non-appropriated funds, such as permanent, trust, external funding (reimbursable, cost recovery, transfer), and suppression (agency employees who have collateral incident support duties). Those additional sources of funding fill in the roughly last 18% of salary and expenses for our workforce.
The amount of salaries and expenses appropriated by Congress factors in our historic reliance on those additional sources of funds from projects, such as Knutson-Vandenberg work, salvage sales, recreation fees and agreements.
Myth #2: Employees cannot support cross-boundary (district, forest, region, station, other agency) work because they can only be funded from their own region/station/deputy chief area and there is no financial incentive to the home unit, i.e., salary savings.
Fact #2: The new budget structure enhances our opportunity to work cross-boundary. Under the new budget, leaders and supervisors who need short-term staff to complete priority work no longer have to figure out how to pay for additional employees to help. The bottom line is: What is the priority work and how do we strategically plan across boundaries and live our stance and habits of stewarding the whole?
The new budget structure moves us away from the “pay to play” approach that was widespread in past years. The current budget allows leaders to call on other leaders to support the priority program of work, such as cross boundary prescribed burning. This aligns with our mission and values outlined in This Is Who We Are.
For more detailed information about current budget operations and FAQs, visit the FY2021 Appropriated Budget Structure website (internal link) or contact your local budget officer.