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An official website of the United States government

Public Fire Information Websites


A map of the United States showing the location of wildland fires, prescribed fires, and other large incidents
Figure 1. A map of the United States from InciWeb taken April 14, 2021 showing examples of wildfires, prescribed fires, and Burned Area Emergency Response Team locations. 

InciWeb is an interagency all-risk incident information management system. The web-based program provides information for wildland fire emergencies and prescribed fires, but can also be used for other natural disasters and emergency incidents such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.

The system was developed with two primary missions:

  • Provide the public a single source of incident related information; and

  • Provide a standardized reporting tool for the public affairs community

Official announcements include evacuations, road closures, news releases, maps, photographs, and basic information and current situation about the incident.


Interactive Wildfire Map

Get the latest incident specific wildfire data, including personnel count, cost, acres, percent contained and structures threatened, from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group's map.



Social media tweets from National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) and Inciweb.
 Forest Service_NIFC


National Wildland Fire Preparedness Level (PL)

a flame rising from the left of the number 5

On Tuesday morning, October 8, at 7:30 a.m. (Mountain Time), the National Wildland Fire Preparedness Level increased again back up to Preparedness Level 5 (PL5)

Hurricane Helene has initiated an all-hazard incident response across the southern U.S. and will keep increasing in the coming days and weeks. Also, with the arrival of Hurricane Milton to make landfall in Florida, additional support resources from the wildfire community may be required. While out in the western US, wildland fire activity continues to increase across several other Geographic Areas.

All these occurrences, the National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) has been increasingly communicating with the Geographic Area Coordination Centers to coordinate and fill orders for all resource types to where its needed.  

Due to these factors, the National Preparedness Level has again increased back up to Preparedness Level 5 (PL5) leading support across the country. 

Further information on National Wildland Fire Preparedness Levels 1 - 5 can be found on the NIFC Website.


Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)


Glossary of Wildland Fire Definitions and Acronyms 

National Wildfire Coordinating Group's Glossary A - Z


National Interagency Fire Center

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), located in Boise, Idaho, is the nation's support center for wildland firefighting. Eight different agencies and organizations are part of NIFC. Decisions are made using the interagency cooperation concept because NIFC has no single director or manager.


Fire Enterprise Geospatial Portal

Fire Enterprise Geospatial Portal (EGP) is the authoritative source of standardized geospatial information for the full range of wildfire activities ranging from readiness to response to planning.

Fire EGP leverages multiple sources of spatial data for mapping, decision support, business intelligence, and situational awareness through multiple tools to view and analyze wildland fire data. 

It is a web based interface that allows you to learn information about an incident geospatially. In other words, you can find the wildfire you are interested in on the map, click it and learn things like: size; containment; ownership; perimeter; hot spots; historical fire occurrence; fire weather, etc.