Grangeville Smokejumpers - Recruitment and Employment
What is Required of a Smokejumper?
Because the work is often extremely physically demanding, all jumpers must be in excellent condition. It is not uncommon to construct fireline 14 to 16 hours per day on a regular basis. Both strength and endurance are of utmost importance to the job. A medical examination is required of all smokejumpers to ensure their ability to work and irregular and extended work hours under extreme physical danger without hazard to self or others. Failure to meet any of the requirements will be grounds for disqualification.
Vision: Distance vision of greater than 20/100 Snellen in one eye and 20/200 in the other eye is not allowed. Corrected vision greater than 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other is permissible with the use of eyeglasses or contact lenses. Candidates must be able to read typewritten size characters and be able to pass the Eldrige-Green lantern test or one equivalent for color vision.
Hearing: Candidates must be able to hear the normal spoken voice at 20 feet in each ear and the whispered voice at 15 feet without the use of hearing aids.
Size: Applicants must be a minimum of 5 feet tall and a maximum of 6 feet, 5 inches tall and weigh at least 120 pounds but no more than 200 pounds.
Age: Prospective jumpers must be at least 18 years old.
Citizenship: Prospective jumpers must be United States citizens.
Note: Previous parachute training, either sport or military, is neither required nor advantageous for prospective smokejumpers.
Employment (Smokejumpers)
For questions, contact Grangeville Trainers: 208-983-9588
To search for Smokejumper Position Vacancies, go to USAJOBS and enter the following: Forestry Technician, GS-0462-05 and the name “Smokejumper” in the title.
Note: Smokejumper positions are not entry-level wildland firefighter positions.
Helpful Hints for Applying
You must indicate the base you are applying for.
Before submitting your application be sure that you have marked all boxes and checked all basic qualifications on your application for correct answers.
If you are new to Smokejumping make sure you are applying for a GS-5 rookie Smokejumper position. If you have previous smokejumper experience you can apply for a GS-6 seasonal temporary Smokejumper position.
Make sure to supply USAJOBS with your e-mail address in order to receive confirmation of your application acceptance.