Policy Report: Jan. 13, 2022

Welcome to the FS Policy Report! Our goal is to provide weekly updates on Agency policy actions, including directives and regulations.
Recently issued directives:
- 1. FSH 2409.19 Chapter 10-Knutson-Vandenberg Sale Area Program Management (01/04/2022)
Edits made throughout the chapter recodes, reformats, and organizes direction. Replaces K-V (Knutson-Vandenberg fund) with CWKV (Cooperative Work, Knutson-Vandenberg, Sale Area Projects). Also replaces any references to ATSA (Automated Timber Sale Accounting) with FPFS (Forest Products Financial System). Other substantial changes are listed within the digest.
- 2. FSH 2409.19 Chapter 20-Knutson-Vandenberg Forest & Regional Program Management (01/04/2022)
Edits made throughout the chapter recodes, reformats, and organizes direction. Replaces K-V (Knutson-Vandenberg fund) with CWKV (Cooperative Work, Knutson-Vandenberg, Sale Area Projects). Also replaces any references to ATSA (Automated Timber Sale Accounting) with FPFS (Forest Products Financial System). Other substantial changes are listed within the digest.
- 3. FSH 2409.19 Chapter 60-Stewardship Contracts and Agreements (01/04/2022)
Revises, reorganizes, recodes, and updates chapter in its entirety.
- 4. FSH 2409.19 Chapter 80-Good Neighbor Authority (01/04/2022)
First publication of this chapter regarding the Good Neighbor Authority.
- 5. FSM 2420-Timber Appraisal (01/04/2022)
Adds an authority for redetermining rates on Stewardship contracts. Adds a requirement to include contract provision C/CT3.5# Scheduled Rate Redetermination in Stewardship contracts greater than 5 years in length. Also, adds policy that timber shall be advertised at its appraised value and advertised rates shall not be less than minimum rates. Other substantial changes are listed within the digest.
- 6. FSH 6509.11g Chapter 90-Forest Service Operations & All Other Appropriations & Funds (01/05/2022)
Renames chapter title from “All Other Appropriations and Funds” to “Forest Service Operations and All Other Appropriations and Funds” and sets forth direction. Revises chapter in its entirety to include formatting, minor edits, removal of obsolete direction and updates throughout. Updates the authority section by adding the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub. L. 116-94), and provides reference to the FSH 6509.11g, Zero Code, Authority Section. Other substantial changes are listed within the digest.
- 7. FSH 6509.19 Chapter 20-Real Property (01/05/2022)
Revises, updates, and sets forth new direction throughout the entire chapter. Adds new authority, Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) 44: Accounting for Impairment of General Property, Plant, and Equipment Remaining in Use, to provide Federal entities accounting and reporting requirements for partial impairment of general property, plant, and equipment (G-PP&E) and construction work-in-process. Other substantial changes are listed within the digest.
Directives published for public comment:
No new directives were published for public comment from the period of 01/03/2021 to 01/09/2022.
Regulatory actions:
No new regulatory actions were published from the period of 01/03/2021 to 01/09/2022.
There are no new announcements regarding upcoming events, but please continue to check this report weekly as new updates may be included in the future.
If you have questions or recommendations for Policy Report content that would be valuable to you and your colleagues, please contact Miranda Galadima (miranda.galadima@usda.gov).