
Forest Service employees, partners and volunteers rely on a fleet of over 20,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment to help meet the mission of the agency. The agency owns approximately 89% of its fleet equipment, rents about 10% from the General Services Administration (GSA) and leases the other 1% from commercial vendors. In addition to cars, pickups and SUV’s, the Forest Service fleet also contains heavy equipment (dozers, motor graders, backhoes, tractors), fire equipment (engines, water carriers), off road equipment (snowmobiles, UTVs) and miscellaneous other equipment (boats, forklifts, horse trailers).

When purchasing new fleet vehicles, the Forest Service must purchase the most economical and fuel-efficient vehicles while meeting agency mission needs. When Forest Service vehicles reach the end of their useful life, vehicles are sold to the public. Most Forest Service vehicles are sold through GSA Auctions or GTB Auctions.

If you are involved in an accident involving a Forest Service fleet vehicle and need additional information, please contact our Albuquerque Service Center at 877-372-7248.