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The bear necessities

An adult brown bear resting along the rocky bank of a stream.
New picnic tables able to withstand the Sierra Nevada’s snowfall and new food lockers are some of the upgrades made to the Stanislaus National Forest’s Big Meadow Campground. The upgrades were funded with y $1440,000 provided by the Great American Outdoors Act of 2020. (USDA Forest Service…
bears, camping, campgrounds, outdoor safety, wildlife, recreation, Great American Outdoors Act, innovation

Renovating Northern cabins: Forest Service improves rental cabins using Great American Outdoors Act funding

A view of Hornet Lookout, a cabin in a clearing on top of a small hill overlooking a forest
The Forest Service is home to some of the most renowned recreational accommodations across the country. Offerings range from old homesteads, historic log ranger stations and early 20th century lookouts built by the Civilian Conservation Corps to the modern cabins and watchtowers of today.  The Star…
recreation, cabins, outdoors, Great American Outdoors Act, forest, montana, idaho

Partnership restores brook trout in five ponds within five years

Man holding a brook trout in the middle of a lake
Native brook trout migrate in a waterway in Maine. The USDA Forest Service, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and Trout Unlimited are working together to restore native brook trout within their historic range. (Freshwaters Illustrated photo by David Herasimtschuk) A fine mist rolled off the…
Native Fish, Brook Trout, habitat, watersheds, reclamation, recreation, Aquatic Restoration

Conservation and Recreation Come Together to Create Maine’s Vacationland

A picture of several adults snowshoeing through a snow-covered meadow area with a forest in the background.
Ice climbing which is one of the many unique winter experiences at Grafton Notch State Park. (Photo credit: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands) As the most rural state in the United States, Maine is one of the best destinations to reconnect with nature. “Vacationland” has been the slogan on Maine license…
forest legacy program, recreation, winter, visitor

A Look Back at 2021

A picture showing a hiker walking down a trail with flowers on each side, mountains in the background and forested areas on each side.
Since the USDA Forest Service launched its Internet presence over 25 years ago nearly a thousand feature stories have been written and posted, highlighting the important work we do with our partners across the country. These articles highlight just some of the notable stories over the last year, the breadth of the work we do, and the contribution it makes to forest health, communities, and the…
recreation, science, shared stewardship, fire, safety, healthy forests, technology, employees

Let it snow! Great American Outdoors Act and local partnerships give Wyoming trail system new life

A picture of a wood constructed bridge in a dense forested area.
A groomed path leads into the Willow Creek area (Photo Credit: Rio Rose, Lander Cycling Club) Every time snow covers the ground, it brings magical opportunities to reconnect with nature. The snow muffles all sound as you cross-country ski except the snow crunching under your skis and offers an almost…
Great American Outdoors Act, recreation, partnerships, youth corps, winter