About Us
We improve people’s lives through our role in stewarding the Nation’s fish and aquatic resources.
One way we improve people's lives is through Rise to the Future initiative. Rise to the Future: National Fish and Aquatic Strategy – Check out the Forest Service’s updated national strategy to guide its efforts in fish and aquatic stewardship, commemorating 30 years of success and lessons learned from Rise to the Future. The strategy was developed in cooperation with state fish and wildlife agencies, other federal agencies, and tribal governments and in partnership with nongovernmental organizations.
See our FY21 Accomplishments.
Mission and Vision
To conserve and restore healthy fish populations and aquatic resources while connecting people to the aquatic world in partnership with others.
We will improve the health and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands, nationwide and around the world.
- Conserve, protect and restore fish and aquatic resources.
- Connect people to the aquatic world through fishing, boating, and other water-based activities.
- Strengthen partnerships and work across boundaries.
- Deliver and apply scientific research.
- Communicate the importance of our work and Forest Service in stewarding the Nation’s fish and aquatic resources.