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Fisheries - Partnerships

Image of 2017 native odyssey crew.
Partner with Us

Partnerships are vital to our success in fulfilling our role in stewarding the Nation’s fish and aquatic resources and connecting people to the outdoors.

Photo: 2017 Native Odyssey Crew. From left to right: Brett Winchel, Matt Crockett, Jacob Lacy, Heather Harkavy, and Austin Burroughs. [Photo Credit: Trout Unlimited]


Image of group of individual partners working on the Fremont-Winema National Forest.
Partner with Us

Partnerships are vital to our success in fulfilling our role in stewarding the Nation’s fish and aquatic resources and connecting people to the outdoors.

Photo: Miller Lake Fish Passage Barrier Removal. Partners on the Fremont-Winema NF, including Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and Oregon St. University, improve passage for the Miller Lake Lamprey. [Photo Credit: U.S. Forest Service]


Image of Forest Service employee instructing youth.
Partner with Us

Partnerships are vital to our success in fulfilling our role in stewarding the Nation’s fish and aquatic resources and connecting people to the outdoors.

Photo: Freshwater Snorkel Program. Jim Harig, Cherokee National Forest fisheries biologist, showing school children the fishes they’ll see before entering the stream. [Photo credit: Image © Freshwaters Illustrated]


We cooperate with many state fish and wildlife agencies, other federal agencies, and tribal governments in managing fish and aquatic resources. We also partner with many different non-governmental organizations, watershed councils, landowners, citizens, and private businesses. The work we do at the local, state, regional, and national levels could simply not be done without the important relationships we hold and continue to grow even stronger with all those we work together with. Our team is integrated by but not limited to:

Bring Back the Native Fish

Bring Back the Native Fish invests in conservation activities that restore, protect and enhance native populations of sensitive or listed fish species across the United States, especially in areas on or adjacent to federal agency lands. The program emphasizes coordination between private landowners and federal agencies, tribes, corporations and states to improve the ecosystem functions and health of watersheds. Learn More:

Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program

Together with the American Fisheries Society and other agencies, we are a longstanding supporter and partner in the Hutton Scholars Program – a summer mentoring program to educate and inspire high school students about fisheries science and management. A principle goal of the program is to stimulate interest in careers in Fisheries science and management among groups underrepresented in the fisheries professions, including minorities and women.  Learn More:

National Fish Habitat Partnership

We are a key partner and strong supporter of the National Fish Habitat Partnership, a national partnership comprised of 20 state and regional fish habitat partnerships dedicated to protect, restore, and enhance the nation’s fish and aquatic communities through collaborative action.  Learn More:

Native Odyssey

The Forest Service was a key sponsor of the Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers Native Odyssey in 2017 that enabled five college students to journey together across 10 states in 10 weeks to catch and learn about 18 native trout species across the United States. Their journey created an online following reaching over 1.2 million people raising their awareness and support for native trout conservation.  Learn More: