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U.S. Forest Service

Rare Plant Conservation Success Stories

The Forest Service and its partners and volunteers have had many successes in restoring and recovering rare plants on our national forests and grasslands across the country. We invite you to explore these tales with happy endings.

Alaska Region

Eastern Region

Intermountain Region

Pacific Northwest Region

Pacific Southwest Region

Rocky Mountain Region

Southern Region

Southwestern Region

The Endangered Species Act at 40

Water howellia flower. Water howellia flower. Swan Valley, Montana.

In 1973, when the Endangered Species Act became law, the landscape of plant conservation was a very different than it is today. What a difference forty years makes! Advances in information exchange makes it possible now to decide with better certainty which plants are rare, where they grow, what threats they face, and what can be done to conserve and restore them. On the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, the Forest Service celebrates some remarkable stories of Endangered and Threatened plant and animal recovery, and also its Sensitive Species program.

Read more about the Endangered Species Act at 40…