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U.S. Forest Service

Aquilegia Express: Yellow Columbines

Aquilegia laramiensis, Laramie columbine

The Laramie columbine is endemic to the Laramie Mountains in Wyoming.

Aquilegia laramiensis flower A very narrow endemic, Aquilegia laramiensis, is a small flower with an unusual cream to greenish white coloration. Photo by Bonnie Heidel

Map of the range of Aquilegia laramiensis in North America. Range map of Aquilegia laramiensis. Courtesy of Flora of North America.

Aquilegia laramiensis ranges in height 5 to 25 cm. Foliage is glaucous and glabrous to slightly pubescent. The flowers are nodding. The sepals are greenish white, 7 to 15 mm long and spreading. The blades are cream colored, 5 to 12 mm long. The spurs are hooked, white, 5 to 8 mm long and broad at the base, tapering evenly to the tip. The stamens extend beyond the blades.

Aquilegia laramiensis is found growing in moist rock crevices.

Aquilegia laramiensis flowers. Aquilegia laramiensis. Photo by Charmaine Delmatier.

Aquilegia laramiensis habitat. Aquilegia laramiensis habitat. Photo by Charmaine Delmatier.

Conservation Concern

Aquilegia laramiensis is a narrow endemic and is ranked G2, imperiled by NatureServe.

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